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Man naked waist down nabbed after chase

Manteca, California, US. A suspect with no pants or underwear on broke his ankles trying to flee from Ripon Police Wednesday. Jonas M. Navarrete, 30, of Manteca, was apprehended on the roof of a shed and taken to San Joaquin County Hospital at around 9 p.m. The entire affair began when Ripon police officers noticed a black BMX bycicle around 8 p.m. that had a defective headlamp and had made an illegal left turn. Officers tried to stop the BMX as it entered southbound Highway 99, and a pursui



[Clan eLi] Update 21.Feb.2005

Shh sorry por durar tanto la verdad es q mucho brete el dia de hoy pero aki esta el balance general.... espero no ver muchas amarillas el dia de hoy...eLi]Hades 25-20/55.56 %eLi]Nez 24-18/57.14 %eLi]SwArM 53-14/79.10 %eLi]X-Death 47-38/55.29 %eli]Gaspar 51-45/53.13 %eLi]Kurai 14-14/50.00 %eli]Rylai 54-33/62.07 %eli]Falco 24-30/44.44 %eLi]DarkBocker 41-35/53.95 %eLi]Inferix 23-26/46.94 % ---- Amarilla Faltaron 3 games.eLi]Ethereal 6-1/85.71 % ---- Amarilla Faltaron 9 gameseLi]Psytech 26-15/63.41



Hall of Justice pronounces

After the US made public its <a href="http://www.gamingcr.com/forums/blog/xygvot/index.php?cmd=showentry&eid=17">plans to invade Mars</a> last thursday, the <b>Hall of Justice</b> has come to a decision. Based upon proofs provided by the US Army, in which is stated that Marvin the Martian is a <i>tiranic military dictator</i>, Hall of Justice's current president, Lex Luthor, has declarated as "<i>completely dumb and stupid</i>" Bush's intenti



Police with new resources

Camberra, Australia. At the Camberra Police Department, work has been getting quite busy. Robbery and criminal activity has increased twice since last year. So to help the force to battle this out, Camberran Police Chief, Dan Lutella has recruited new police dogs. "<i>These dogs are very special</i>" states Lutella, when asked about what's so special about these dogs he says: "<i>[...] they can pick up a gun, and aim and shoot you down. We've been givin'em some drugs we'



5 Cosas que me encantan

1. Un sketch de SNL que me haga perder el aliento2. All-you-can-eat3. Los sábados4. Un buen game, tanto, que al final no importa quién gana o quién pierde5. Una buena canción en el momento justo para escucharla



Mi regla para comprar un Celular

Tengo una regla sencilla para seleccionar un celular: No debe costar más de ¢100,000.oo.Esta regla me ha tomado años en madurarla, pero la experiencia y el haber tenido celular por más de 7 años me lo reafirma.Estas son mis razones:- Un celular no aguanta más de un año. Por más fuerte y bien hecho que esté, después de un año empieza un proceso de degradación insostenible. Digamos que niegue lo inevitable, el celular me durará año y medio. Una inversión de más de ¢100K a lo largo de un año no tie



"Hunger is the best spice"

No hace mucho escuche esa frase..aparente tomada de la serie "Cowboy Beebop" (una excelente serie anime, les recomiendo a los que no lo han visto a verla!! ) y me parece un excelente frase, pero mas que nada porque es demasiado cierto.Nunca han tenido tanta hambre que hasta las cosas que no te gustan o bueno no gustas tanto te saben a gloria, cada bocado sabe cada vez peor...hasta que al final..pues de nuevo no te gusta...(pues vas perdiendo el hambre..), pero los primeros bocados... nunca has



Supplier sued for 'flatulent' footwear

The customer complaints were unrelenting: With every step they took, their shoe insoles made a very offensive sound: The sound of someone farting. "<i>It very nearly put us out of business</i>" said Garret Luna, an officer with Cousy Products Inc. The company had to throw away at least 35,000 pairs, said attorney Robert Cassuel. Cousy Products Inc. sued a former supplier, Marc Labs, accusing it of delivering the wrong chemical that caused bubbles to form inside the insoles. When



Surgery waits man for drastic measures

Galati, Romania. A Romanian man ended up in hospital after putting a piece of string around his penis to avoid going to the toilet. Vasile Barbulescu now faces months of complicated surgery to correct the damage caused, according to local press. He was taken to a hospital in Galati, south-eastern Romania, where he admitted wrapping string around his penis to put off going to the toilet until he got home. Doctors say they are unsure whether they can repair the damage and say he faces repeated



US plans on Mars invasion

Washington D.C., USA.<br><br> Majors Stratton Hooligan and Grean Berrett made a public announcement in which is<br> stated the United States will to invade planet Mars.<br> Among the reasons named for such a decision are:<br> <br> -"<i>Secret video shown Saturday morning reveals that Marvin the Martian is a brutal<br> military dictator.</i>"<br><br> -"<i>Return peace, democracy and liberty to all martians.</i>"&l



Israeli leader molested by ghost

Tel Aviv, Israel.<br> <br> According to government representatives, israeli prime Minister, Ariel Sharon has had<br> contact with the undying ghost of legendary palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.<br><br> Arafat has been making requests on behalf of his people by some unorthodox means.<br> "<i>He (Arafat) has been showing up in Sharon's dreams, mirrors, underwear and home toilets</i>"<br> states a reliable israeli source. <br><br



Frenchies to stop nuclear tests

Paris, France. <br><br> French President <b>Jacques Cirac</b> announced today the stop of nuclear tests in the East Indian sea. <br> The ecologists' representative, <b>Sponge Bob Squarepants</b>, said this was a like a "<i>big pineapple, baha!</i>".<br> Furthermore, the cooperation between both authorities will allow the preservation of endangered<br> species (including indonesians), and prevent any more tsunamis in the area.



5 cosas que no soporto

1. Teletubies.2. "Arroz con Leche" de Kike de Heredia y su Grupo Carnaval. Regaetton y sus estrellas, lideradas por "Don Omar"3. "50-0" y 100% son headshots4. "Tiene un mensaje en su casillero de voz, presione 1 para oírlo..."5. Maphack



Toothpaste screws boy's puberty

A 12 year old kid at West Virginia, IL, USA, has been reported to have an abnormal penis enlargement as a side effect due to the extensive use of a toothpaste."He used the toothpaste three times a day, just like everybody else" said worried mother Jansen Longwood.This is the third case reported worldwide, the first two coming from South Afrika. The toothpaste brand has not made a public announcement referring to the incident for now, but it is known that both, the kid's family and the involved c



Dalai Lama cancels quickie marriage

The Dalai Lama returned to Spain for the first time since his Euro tour last fall. While at first the nature of this visit was unknown, it was soon discovered that the Dalai Lama had come back to Barcelona to get an annulment for his whirlwind marriage to Mariana Canseca, 22, an aerobics instructor from La Coruña.A spokesman for the Dalai claimed that the couple had "simply made a mistake. The Dalai Lama had originally perceived Miss Canseca as a 'kind and ancient soul of wisdom', but in retrosp



Warcraft 3: 1.18 out!

Today, Battle.net admins released a statement in which they claim that the anticipated patch 1.18 for their RTS hit The Frozen Throne, has been put on beta testing on the WestFall Server.Changes include:Night Elves:-New: Warden Fan of Knives nerfed to 0,0001 hp damage for every hit. Overuse of this ability will make the Warden dizzy and slow at walking, approaching to realistic simulation of real life physics.-New: Warden Blink ability will only be able to be used once a day, the use of the abil



Planet Hoth :: Rezeña de una batalla

Esto ocurrió no hace mucho tiempo, en un lugar no muy lejano. A decir verdad, fue en mi computador, y la experiencia la viví a través del juego Star Wars Galactic Battleground. Esta es mi historia tal y como la sentí.Estoy en el hangar de la base. El ruido de las alarmas se confunde con los gritos de la gente y sobre todo, con las explosiones que suenan como truenos de una tormenta cercana.A unos pocos pasos está el Snowspeeder, listo para ser domado cual bestia poderosa, pero dócil a la vez.Veo



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