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Archivos de Command and Conquer 3

28 files

  1. Kane's Wrath Patch 1.02

    Command & Conquer™ 3: Kane's Wrath
    Version 1.02 Patch Notes
    This patch brought to you by the C&C Live Team, EALA
    This patch for Command & Conquer™ 3 Kane's Wrath fixes several bugs and makes gameplay and slight economic balance changes across all nine factions.
    Bug fixes:
    · Fixed an error that sometimes caused players to unexpectedly select multiple control groups at once when rapidly switching between control groups.
    · Beacons once again work for subfactions
    · GDI Slingshot and Shatterer icons swapped at the Reclamator Hub to mirror the War Factory
    · Watch tower will now correctly autotarget units at maximum range
    · ZOCOM Shatterer can no longer bypass the overload beam power down by using Call for Transport
    · Sonic fencing will no longer disappear from the armory when healing infantry
    · Decoy Specters will no longer deal the full non-decoy damage if the decoy dies while the weapon shell is in flight
    · Decoy specters will no longer do damage if the decoy dies while the shell is in flight
    · Specters will no longer damage airborne units
    · Nod Crane can now build the Voice of Kane
    · Units will no longer retain the mothership catalyst effect when transported through a wormhole
    · Decoy Tripods can no longer EMP
    · Fixed an exploit that allowed small units to walk along the map border, outside of normal detection, on the Tournament Tower map
    Global Conquest:
    · Meta-unit hardpoints will be reset at the beginning of each Global Conquest battle
    · Strike forces can now have spaces in their names
    Global changes:
    · Level 2 Veterancy bonus increased from +20% damage, +30% health to +25% damage, +40% health.
    · All Harvesters: cost reduced to 1600, build time reduced to 16s. This will speed up the time to unit production and decrease the impact of all-in rushes without affecting the early-game scouting phase.
    GDI factions – units
    · Guardian Cannon damage increased from 175 to 200
    · Hammerhead: range increased from 200 to 300, speed increased from 150 to 160
    · ZOCOM Orca: clip size increased to 5
    · Rig: unpacked hit points increased from 5000 to 5500
    · Rig stealth detection range increased from 200 to 400
    · Zone Shatterer overload beam damage increased from 1250 to 1500
    · Shatterer and Zone Shatterer: range increased from 325 to 350
    · Orca attack duration increased by 50% per shot
    · Mobile Repair Transport repair drone leash distance increased from 50 to 100
    · Mammoth tank health increased from 10000 to 11500
    · Juggernaut: clip reload time reduced from 5s to 3s
    · Juggernaut and Behemoth: turret turn rate doubled
    · Titan range increased from 300 to 325
    GDI Factions – abilities
    · Zone Trooper/Zone Raider jumpjets no longer have a small pre-jump delay, flying speed increased
    · Sniper Team no longer unstealths when using Bombard
    · Sensor pod cost reduced to 100
    · APC minefield cost reduced to 300
    GDI Factions – upgrades
    · Pitbull Mortar: upgrade cost reduced to 1000
    · AP Ammo: cost reduced to 2000, build time increased to 60s
    · Hardpoints: build time increased to 60s
    · Zone Trooper/Raider Scanner Pack: upgrade range bonus increased from 10% to 20%, cost reduced from 1000 to 500, build time reduced to 15s
    · Zone Trooper/Raider Autoinjectors: cost reduced to 1000, build time reduced to 30s
    · Stratofighter: upgrade cost reduced to 1000, build time reduced to 30s
    · Composite Armor: cost reduced to 1500, build time reduced to 45s
    · Tiberium Field Suits: cost reduced to 1000, build time reduced to 30s
    · Railgun: upgrade cost reduced to 4000
    · Adaptive Armor: research cost reduced to 1000
    GDI Factions – powers
    · Railgun accelerator: rate of fire bonus increased to 200%, cost reduced to 500
    · Orbital bombardment: cost reduced to 3000
    · Supersonic air attack: cost reduced to 2000
    Nod factions – units
    · Fanatics: damage increased from 700 to 800, explosion radius increased from 50 to 60
    · Attack bike armor versus cannon reduced by 10%
    · Black Hand raider buggy stealth detection range increased from 200 to 400
    · Obelisk of light cost/build time increased to 2000/20s
    · Specter cost/build time increased to 1500/15s
    · Shadow team: range increased from 200 to 225, clip reload time reduced by 40%, speed increased from 80 to 90, flying speed increased from 100 to 120
    · Reckoner health increased from 2000 to 2200
    · Avatar range increased from 350 to 375, commandeered beam cannon damage increased from 900 to 1100, range of flame weapon increased from 100 to 200
    · Flame tank range increased from 100 to 150
    · Awakened are now much more resilient to missile and cannon fire
    · Enlightened hit points increased from 600 to 650
    · Venom damage, pre- and post-upgrades, increased by 10%
    · Vertigo Bomber area effect radius increased from 30 to 40
    Nod factions – Abilities
    · Disruption pod: cost reduced to 300
    · Booby trap: cost decreased to 100
    Nod factions – Upgrades
    · Tiberium Infusion: cost reduced to 1000, build time increased to 30s
    · Laser capacitors: cost reduced to 2500, build time increased to 1:15
    · Black disciples: upgrade cost reduced to 1000, build time reduced to 30s
    · Tiberium core missiles: cost increased to 2500, build time increased to 1:15
    · Super charged particle beam: cost reduced to 3000
    · Dozer blades: armor bonus decreased from 25% to 15%
    Nod factions – powers
    · Cloaking field: damage vs infantry reduced to 400 from 500
    · Power signature scan: cost reduced to 300
    · Decoy temple: cost reduced to 500
    · Redemption power: cost decreased to 750
    · Radar Jamming Missile: cost reduced to 300
    Scrin factions – units
    · Hexapod: ravager addition no longer hits air
    · Devourer tank range reduced from 350 to 340
    · Corrupter healing reduced by 50%
    · Seeker tank armor versus rockets increased 10%, armor versus gun increased 10%
    · Planetary Assault Carrier: damage increased from 45 to 55, health of drones increased 10%
    · Mechapede: disintegrator segment range increased from 150 to 175
    · Mechapede corrupter segment healing reduced by 66%
    · Mechapede ravager segment: range increased from 300 to 325
    · Shard Walker: cost/build time increased to 800/8s
    · Tripod and Reaper Tripod damage increased by 10%
    Scrin factions – abilities
    · Blink packs have been tuned to feel significantly more responsive
    · Ion storm healing increased from 2% to 5%
    · Mastermind/Prodigy teleport recharge increased to 20s, no longer works on EMP’d/phased units
    · Cultist, prodigy, and mastermind mind controls (all types) no longer work on Epic Units or commandos
    Scrin factions – upgrades
    · Advanced articulators: cost reduced to 1000, build time reduced to 30s, speed bonus increased by 10%
    · Traveler engines: cost reduced to 1500, speed bonus increased by an additional 10%
    · Reaper 17 forcefields: cost reduced to 2000, build time reduced to 60s
    · Shard launchers: cost reduced to 2500, build time increased to 1:15
    · Plasma Disc launcher: cost and build time reduced to 1500/45s
    · Blink Packs: cost/build time reduced to 500/15s
    · Forcefield generator: cost reduced to 4000
    · Blue shards: cost reduced to 2000, build time increased to 60s
    · Attenuated forcefields: build time reduced to 60s
    Scrin factions – powers
    · Tiberium vibration scan: cost reduced to 300
    · Infestation power cost reduced to 1000



  2. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath 1.01 Patch - English

    Command & Conquer™ 3: Kane's Wrath
    Version 1.01 Patch Notes - June, 2008
    This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath fixes several desyncs and exploits, numerous bugs, and makes balance changes across all nine factions. We have also improved Automatch and added a Russian lobby.
    · Fixed a desync that occurs when a Nod ally attempts to create a Decoy army of a Mechapede.
    · Fixed a desync that occurs when playing against a brutal AI with 2 players on level Unfair Advantage.
    · Fixed a desync that occurs when playing with 2 players against a Brutal Black Hand AI on the map Unfair Advantage.
    · Fixed a desync when 2 players use Black Hand vs GDI on the map Tournament Arena.
    · Fixed a desync that occurs when engaging Firehawks with Seekers
    · Fixed a desync when Venoms attack a Plasma Missile Battery that is detecting an invisible unit
    · The Message of the Day will now show up online for Kane's Wrath.
    · In-game rank/stats now show up alongside player name while in the game lobby.
    · Improved Automatch performance
    · Reaper 17 – You can no longer sell a stasis chamber to receive a group of Ravagers for only 600 credits.
    · You can no longer use group selecting to allow a Mantis, AA-loadout Firehawk, flying Shadow Team, or Slingshot to force-fire on other ground units.
    · Titans crushable level increased. Titans can no longer crush other Titans.
    · Fixed the minimap while match is loading
    · Can no longer build more than one VOICE of Kane
    · Can no longer build multiple epic unit factories
    The following balance changes are intended to make resource-gathering decisions more strategic, while also further tuning the combat forces to ensure even balance across all three factions in any combination.
    /General Balance Changes/
    · Refinery cost increased to 3000 credits, build time increased to 30 seconds, power requirement increased to 15 units
    · Harvester cost increased to 2000 credits, build time increased to 20 seconds
    · Tiberium Spike capture bonus decreased by 33%, income per second decreased by 60%
    · Harvester health increased 25% for most factions, Steel Talon/Black Hand harvester health increased by 16%
    · Build radius: most unit production structures no longer provide a build radius, all conyards have had their build radii increased by 25%
    · Advanced infantry structures now provide a basic infantry unit when sold or destroyed
    · Grasslands Landgrab: blue tiberium now starts at 0
    /GDI Balance Changes/
    · Silo cost reduced by 80%
    · Power Plant upgrade now provides double the bonus power
    · Power Plant cost and build time reduced by 12.5% to 700/7
    · Commando armor versus gun, rocket, and grenade doubled
    · Grenadier range increased 8%, grenade speed increased 50%, scatter increased 33%, blast radius increased 50%
    · Rig: packed HP increased 33%, unpack/pack time decreased 40%, repair drone range increased 33%
    · Pitbull damage increased 25% against ground units, HP reduced 10% against air scale reduction 200% to 150%.
    · Hammerhead speed reduced 17%
    · Mammoth speed increased 12.5%
    · Shatterer range increased 30%, sonic wave horizontal damage radius tripled, pre-attack delay removed, clip reload time increased, cost increased to 1500/15
    · Zone Shatterer range increased 30%, sonic wave and overload beam sonic wave horizontal damage radius tripled, removed pre-attack delay, increased clip reload time, cost increased to 1600/16
    · ZOCOM Orca burst damage capability dps increased significantly, clip size reduced 50%, cost and build time increased to 1500/15
    · Titan crusher/crushable level increased to that of a heavy tier 3 walker, damage increased 12.5%, railgun-upgraded damage increased 9.2%
    · Behemoth range increased 20%, HP increased 10%
    · Combat Engineer damage increased by 17%
    · APCs now lay mines as quickly as the Mobile Repair Transport (instantaneously)
    · Firehawks will no longer force-fire at the ground when loaded with anti-air missiles and group-selected with ground units
    · Slingshots will no longer force-fire on the ground when group-selected with ground units
    · Surveyor -- damage taken by gun-type decreased by 25%, speed increased by 20%.
    · Call for Transport ability cost reduced by 60%
    · Hardpoints upgrade no longer decreases Firehawk anti-air missile speed
    · Autoinjectors health bonus increased an additional 20%
    · Ceramic Armor bonus versus gun- and cannon-type damage decreased by 50% for the ZOCOM Orca
    · ZOCOM Bloodhounds power cost increased by 50%, now provides veteran APCs
    · ZOCOM Airborne power cost increased by 50%
    · Steel Talon Bloodhounds power cost increased by 40%
    · Composite armor build time tripled
    · Tiberium Field Suits build time and cost doubled, armor bonus vs cannon halved
    · MARVesting now returns 33% of the harvested Tiberium value
    /Nod Balance Changes/
    · Silo cost reduced by 80%
    · Voice of Kane now provides the appropriate increase in combat effectiveness to nearby infantry
    · Shredder Turret Hub for Marked of Kane subfaction can now fire when upgraded with quad turrets
    · Commando armor versus gun, rocket, and grenade doubled
    · Beam Cannon range increased 20%
    · Avatar beam weapon damage increased by 6.25%
    · Purifier beam weapon damage increased by 6.25%
    · Flame Tank damage taken from cannon-type decreased 25%
    · Fanatic damage increased 54%, blast radius increased 25%
    · Redeemer laser damage increased 6%, range increased 7%
    · Mantis range increased 10%
    · Confessor Cabal cost/build time increased 33%, un-upgraded damage increased 50%
    · Tiberium Trooper rangefinder has been fixed, increases unit range by 20%
    · Awakened speed increased 11%, health reduced 25%
    · Emissary -- damage taken by gun-type decreased by 25%, speed increased by 20%.
    · Flying shadow team will no longer force-fire at the ground when group-selected with ground units
    · Reflector Beam ability no longer diminishes attack power, reflection range doubled
    · EMP Cannon of the Awakened/Enlightened tuned for significantly faster responsiveness, squads will no longer perform a funky backwards walk-dance when attempting to get into EMP range
    · Call for Transport ability cost reduced by 60%
    · Charged Particle Beam cost reduced 66%, upgrade time halved
    · Dozer Blades cost and research time doubled
    · Black Disciples cost increased 33%, research time doubled
    · Purifying Flame cost increased 33%, research time doubled, damage bonus to Flame Tank increased 116%, damage bonus to Purifier decreased 75%
    · Commandeer Beam Cannon damage bonus increased by 50%
    · Commandeer Stealth Tank: stealth-upgraded Avatar will no longer lose stealth when moving
    · Rage Generator hallucination time reduced 60%, cooldown halved
    · Supercharged Particle Beam damage bonus to Shredder Turrets decreased 70%
    · Charged Particle Beam damage bonus to Shredder Turrets decreased 60%
    · Laser Capacitor upgrade damage bonus to raider buggy increased 33%, damage bonus to laser turret increased 50%
    · Disruption pods now subtract the appropriate 500 credits on use
    · Tiberium Vein Detonation damage decreased 20%
    · Tiberium Core Missiles no longer reduce the range of the Attack Bike
    · Shadow Strike Team power cost increased by 25%
    · Shadow Team Explosive Charge damage reduced 10%
    · Catalyst Missile radius decreased by 50%
    · Mantises will no longer force-fire at the ground when group-selected with ground units
    /Scrin Balance Changes/
    · Devastator Warship range increased 14%, damage type changed from cannon to grenade
    · Storm Rider health, cost, and build time normalized to base Scrin across all subfactions
    · Cultist health reduced 20%, speed increased 12.5%, mind control cooldown increased 33%
    · Seeker damage taken from cannon type damage increased 10%, damage taken from gun-type damage doubled
    · Disintegrator range increased 36%, back-end members of the squad should no longer have trouble firing
    · Devourer Tank uncharged damage increased 23%, charged damage increased 6%
    · Mechapede disintegrator segment damage and range halved, corrupter segment range decreased 25%, range of disc segment increased 8%, Shard segment rate of fire improved significantly
    · Corrupter range increased by 50%, speed increased by 17%
    · Ravager damage from gun-type reduced by 33%
    · Explorer -- damage taken by gun-type decreased by 25%, speed increased by 20%.
    · Lightning spike power cost increased by 50%
    · Plasma Disc Launcher upgrade cost and build time doubled
    · Blink Packs upgrade cost and build time halved
    · Attenuated Forcefields research cost normalized to base Scrin across all subfactions
    · Advanced Articulators cost/build time quadrupled
    · Lifeform Recycling range increased 50%
    · Blue Shards upgrade no longer reduces the clip size and firing rate of the Shardwalker
    · Overlord’s Wrath damage reduced by 55%
    · Conversion reserves now provide the stated bonus of 2x charged shot capacity
    · Forcefields now take the intended 1% damage from sniper fire
    /Neutral Balance Changes/
    · Mutant Marauder damage and speed increased 50%
    · Added a Russian Lobby



  3. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Scrin Trailer

    Gameplay de Scrin en Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars expansion pack Kane's Wrath.



  4. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Sales Trailer

    Trailer de Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars expansion pack Kane's Wrath.



  5. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Epic Unit Trailer

    Trailer con vídeo y gameplay de Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars expansion pack Kane's Wrath.



  6. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Scrin Mechapede Movie

    Un minuto de gameplay de la expansión de Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath.



  7. Command and Conquer 3 Map Pack #1

    16 mapas de de Command and Conquer 3.



  8. Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars - Hold the Line: Rectangular Map

    Este mapa skirmish/multiplayer está diseñado para dos jugadores, e incluye bunkers y Tiberium a lo largo del mapa, y más.



  9. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Cinematic Trailer

    Brief cinematic trailer for the Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars expansion pack Kane's Wrath.



  10. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars 1.09 Patch

    Version 1.09 Patch Notes - October 24, 2007
    This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars fixes several bugs, makes balance changes across all three sides, adds a new four-player multiplayer map, and more.
    Bug Fixes
    · Fixed an error that sometimes caused players to unexpectedly type-select multiple unit types at once due to an interface lag when rapidly switching between unit types during online play.
    · Structures now lose Ground Control radius as soon as they are destroyed. Previously they continued providing Ground Control for several seconds while their husks remained onscreen.
    · Fixed an error that caused some infantry units to continue approaching their targets while firing, rather than firing while standing at their maximum range.
    · Fixed an error that caused upgraded Power Plants and Reactors to continue providing power for several seconds after being destroyed.
    · Fixed an error that allowed players to detect enemy structures through the shroud by using the Set Rally Point marker.
    · Fixed an error that caused computer-controlled players with the "Turtle" personality to not build base defenses as expected.
    · Nod Avatar's flamethrower upgrade now correctly shows a garrison-clearing effect.
    Multiplayer Maps
    New Map: Wrecktropolis
    The ongoing conflict between the forces of GDI, the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin have taken a tremendous toll on the world, as evidenced by countless ruined husks of cities. Wrecktropolis is one such example. This is a four-player map available for unranked matches.
    Rebalanced Map: Barstow Badlands
    This map is now slightly larger: There is more buildable area near players' starting bases, and the chokepoints are not as narrow. Garrisonable structures should now be symmetrical for both players. Rebalanced Map: Tournament Tower
    This map no longer has a third-tier elevation level in the center of the map, which frees up this area for battle. Expansion Tiberium fields switched from blue to green. Various objects throughout the map have been removed to free up room for base building and combat.
    Rebalanced Map: Pipeline Problems
    This map no longer has pipelines near the northern starting position, to mirror the layout of the southern starting position.
    Rebalanced Map: Tiberium Gardens III (Kane Edition)
    This Kane Edition map no longer has Tiberium fields along the narrow ridges. New expansion fields have been added to the far side of each basin containing a player position.
    Balance Changes
    The following balance changes are intended to make resource- gathering more strategic and artillery units more viable, while also further tuning the combat forces to ensure even balance across all three factions in any combination.
    General Balance Changes
    · Harvesters: Carrying capacity reduced by 42% to 1400 credits of green crystals and 2800 credits of blue crystals. Gathering cycle sped up by 8 seconds. Overall rate of income reduced by approximately 35%.
    · GDI MCV, Nod MCV, Scrin Drone Platform: Cost/Build time increased by 40% to 3500/35, health and speed normalized.
    · Outposts: Health increased by 5%. This prevents them from being destroyed by one use of the Nod Shadow Team's Explosive Charges.
    GDI Balance Changes
    · Grenadier Squad: Range increased by 20%.
    · Commando: Suppression time reduced by 70%. This means the Commando can use his C4 Charges to demolish multiple structures more quickly.
    · Juggernaut: Range increased by 25%.
    · Mammoth Tank: Turret turn rate reduced by 66%. This makes the vehicle slightly less effective at quickly changing targets.
    · Sonic Emitter: Attack power reduced by 25%. This means the Sonic Emitter can no longer one-shot-kill certain vehicles.
    Brotherhood of Nod Balance Changes
    · Crane: Health increased by 50%, normalizing its health with that of the GDI Crane and Scrin Foundry.
    · Fanatics: Cost/Build time reduced by 13% to 700/7.
    · Commando: Suppression time reduced by 70%. This means the Commando can use her C4 Charges to demolish multiple structures more quickly.
    · Attack Bike: Range increased by 16%.
    · Stealth Tank: Attack power increased by 66%.
    · Beam Cannon: Range increased by 25%. This does not affect the Avatar's extra weapon gained from commandeering a Beam Cannon.
    · Avatar: Health increased by 25%. Pre-attack delay reduced by 33%. Main weapon's attack power increased by 25%.
    · Confessor: Upgrade no longer provides a rate-of-fire bonus to affected infantry squads.
    · Tiberium Infusion: Upgrade bonus to infantry squads' health reduced by 60%.
    · Catalyst Missile: Support Power cost increased by 33% to 2000.
    · Tiberium Vapor Bomb: Support Power cooldown time increased by 25% to 300. Attack power increased by 140%.
    Scrin Balance Changes
    · Disintegrators: When crushed by enemy vehicles, attack power of explosive revenge attack increased by 30%.
    · Seeker: Health reduced by 13%.
    · Devastator Warship: Range increased by 20%. Rate of fire reduced by 200%. Attack power increased by 100%. Scatter radius reduced.
    · The Swarm: Support Power can no longer be used directly on top of infantry and vehicles. Cooldown time increased by 66% to 150. Now spawns 5 Buzzers instead of 7.
    · Phase Field: Support Power no longer affects infantry. Cooldown time reduced by 50% to 180.
    Other Changes
    · Tuning to Classic Command & Conquer (Left-Click Orders) mouse interface: Bridges are no longer selected in favor of issuing move orders. Players can now issue orders on the Radar.
    · There is a new Fast-Forward button onscreen while watching Replays or BattleCasts.



  11. C&C 3: Tiberium Wars 1.08 Patch

    Version 1.08
    This is a "hotfix" patch that makes one specific fix to the Scrin Mothership unit. You'll be prompted to download the update the next time you go online in Command & Conquer 3



  12. C&C 3: Tiberium Wars - Battlecast Primetime Trailer

    Trailer para Battlecast Primetime, Command & Conquer TV, que se lanza el 14 de agosto.



  13. [HM]DarkBocker vs gb^Link-16@ Tournament Dustbowl

    Encuentro 3 de 3 por el torneo online Tiberium Wars.



  14. [HM]DarkBocker vs gb^Link-16@Tournament Tower

    Encuentro 2 de 3 por el torneo online Tiberium Wars.



  15. [HM]DarkBocker vs gb^Link-16@Small Town USA

    Encuentro 1 de 3 por el torneo online Tiberium Wars.



  16. b52|c0pp3rhead(G) vs b52|xyGvot(N)@Tower

    Ésta partida tácticamente es un charral, pero lo que dura (9mins) es puro pleito, son dos push que no paran hasta que alguno caiga.
    Es como una peli del Chuck Norris, el libreto es una cochinada pero lo bueno son las patadas y refleja una de las cosas que más se disfrutan de C&C3: la rapidez con que comienzan las batallas.
    /gg c0pp3r.



  17. R1_TD_[HM]Darkbocker(G)_vs_gB^Blaster(S)_G2

    Tiberium Storm :: Round 1
    Players: [HM]Darkbocker(GDI) vs gB^Blaster(SCRIN)
    Map: Tournament Dustbowl



  18. R1_TA_[HM]Darkbocker(G)_vs_gB^Blaster(S)_G1

    Tiberium Storm :: Round 1
    Players: [HM]Darkbocker(GDI) vs gB^Blaster(SCRIN)
    Map: Tournament Arena



  19. R1_TT_x[G]SGT(S)_vs_[HM]Lelle(S)_G3

    Tiberium Storm :: Round 1
    Players: x[G]SGT(SCRIN) vs [HM]Lelle(SCRIN)
    Map: Tournament Tower



  20. R1_TA_x[G]SGT(S)_vs_[HM]Lelle(S)_G2

    Tiberium Storm :: Round 1
    Players: x[G]SGT(SCRIN) vs [HM]Lelle(SCRIN)
    Map: Tournament Arena



  21. R1_SU_[HM]Lelle(S)_vs_x[G]SGT(S)_G1

    Tiberium Storm :: Round 1
    Players: [HM]Lelle(SCRIN) vs x[G]SGT(SCRIN)
    Map: Small Town USA



  22. R1_TD_b52]xv0t(N)_vs_gB^Link(G)_G2

    Tiberium Storm :: Round 1
    Players: b52|xv0t(NOD) vs gB^Link(GDI)
    Map: Tournament Dustbowl



  23. R1_PP_b52]xv0t(N)_vs_gB^Link(G)_G1

    Tiberium Storm :: Round 1
    Players: b52|xv0t(NOD) vs gB^Link(GDI)
    Map: Pipeline Problems



  24. b52|KogWaisen vs b52|Psytech

    Excelente partida de GDI vs SCRIN en Tournament Arena.
    Un replay que cualquier jugador de CnC3 debería ver en este momento!



  25. Updated

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