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Este post es una invitacion/reto a la gente que no tiene acceso a los foros de Dragon Knights por diversas razones (probablemente porque no son miembros >.>), sobre todo a los que juegan Alliance en Shadow Moon, para que formen parte de un torneo de arenas que pensaba organizar. La idea es participar ahi entre ticos y latinoamericanos. Voy a postear lo que postie en el foro de Dragon Knights, esta en ingles porque alguna gente ahi no habla espaniol y me da pereza traducirlo.

I've been wanting to organize a PvP tournament since before Burning Crusade came, and since arenas are pretty common nowadays and probably most people have played at least some games now, I think it's time for the first Dragon Knights | Costa Rica 3v3 Arena Tournament. Now, a FAQ section so I can explain the idea a bit better:

What do you mean by Dragon Knights | Costa Rica Tournament?

What I mean by this is that everyone in Dragon Knights can participate, but there are some other Costa Rican folks that are not in Dragon Knights that are welcome to the tournament as well. Also, I was thinking about inviting the Costa Rican people that play Alliance on Shadow Moon, just to get more teams and make it more interesting.

How will the games be set up? What are the rules?

This depends a lot on how many teams want to participate, but as far as rules go, it will be pretty much the same as arena:

- No cooldowns over 15 minutes.

- No pots, flasks, elixirs or other alchemy consumables. No engineering or tailoring consumables either (crafted gear or weapons are allowed though, excluding engineering trinkets or things like rocket helmet). Pretty much if you can'tuse an item in arenas, you won't be allowed it to use it for this tournament

- No buffs from classes other than what your group has (i.e. you can't use a healthstone if you don't have a lock in your group, you can't have fort if you don't have a priest in your group).

- Matches will be held in either Nagrand Arena, Blade's Edge Mountains Arena, and for a bit of the old school touch, Gurubashi Arena and Dire Maul Arena could be used as well.

- Although this isn't live yet, gear switching will not be allowed.

- You can use the gear and spec that you want. You may want to QQ about losing because you're outgeared or your spec wasn't right, but it won't give you any points.

What do I need to play?

- Level 70.

- A team (any class lineup is valid).

- Inscription fee (just to get cash for the prize(s), won't be a lot though).

There are some more details about the tournament that I will need to work out, and this is an idea in progress, but I wanted to post about it anyway so you can start thinking about your team, practicing and what not. If you think you have a team you can post here just to get an idea of how many teams would be interested. As more things come up I'll be posting here or on a new thread. Like I said, I don't know a lot of stuff yet, but if you want to ask me something feel free to do so.


Asi que apenas tenga mas detalles les estare informando, pero posteo esto para que piensen en su equipo y practiquen y la vara si quieren llegarle.

[Forest Troll Berserker]Let the killing begin.[/Forest Troll Berserker]

Posted (edited)

voy a pagar la cuenta solo para esto :D

WTB dps para un resto shamy! :lol:

lo que si veo dificil es digamos el gear switching, algunos consumables... a veces con tanto despiche 3vs3 pues no se puede keep track de quien usa que... uno ahi podria bien cambiarse un trinket camuflado... tal vez meter unos referees que vigilen a cada jugador...

Edited by Kan

Diay hay limitaciones de implementación que me impiden controlar cada aspecto de las reglas, sinceramente espero que la gente sea lo suficientemente madura/"honorable" como para no ponerse en varas en un torneo más que todo por el chingue.

Posted (edited)

Holy Shit!

Esperen que llegue a 70!!! 2 levels mas... GO GO GO!!!!!

Entonces si entendi bien, pots are not allowed pero Healthstones si? Pues COOOOL!!! :D

LF Holy Pally para Arenas... :huh:


Si no llego a 70 a tiempo me apunto para ser referee... :D

Edited by DChou87
Los consumibles no son permitidos excepto aquellos creados por una clase que este en su equipo. Por ejemplo, si ud. no tiene un Mage en su party no puede usar agua.

Cool. Gracias por el notice. Yo soy warlock entonces si puedo usar mis healthstones... xD


seeee como dice ahi arriba

"No buffs from classes other than what your group has (i.e. you can't use a healthstone if you don't have a lock in your group, you can't have fort if you don't have a priest in your group)"

que bueno yo me apunto, tengo que hablar con mis compas de 3vs3 pero lo mas probable es que si

que bueno es como cuando me topo a algun DK en un bg spam /poke /dance /hi

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Yo hice una apuesta una vez con Morales de cuanto duraba llegando a nivel 60. Recuerdo que aposté una cantidad importante, no me acuerdo cuanto, y Morales rechazó la apuesta. El otro vi un vídeo (tildado en la i) donde un persona sube su personaje de 0 a 60 como en 15m utilizando atajos, yerros y trucos del juego.

Aquí debería de agregar alguna frase lapidaria que exprese mi fanatismo hacia o en contra este juego o cualquier otro, y que pudiera relacionar con el tema original de este thread para que no se me considere un troller o un spammer, pero no se me ocurre ninguna. Así que lo dejo aquí.

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