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Me imagino q todos han pasado x lo mismo q yo, ahorita estoy q me lleva el... Hay veces q deseamos no tener novia pa jugar cuando queremos... Pero hay ocasiones en q si las necesitamos tongue.gif

La pregunta es: Hay alguno o saben de alguno q haya dejado el gaming por una mujer tongue.gif laugh.gif

Les ha pasado chiles con esto


PD: sin ofender a las mujeres del foro... pueden responder desde el punto de vista femenino biggrin.gif

Edited by Morales




Eric N. Johnson & Amy R. Pritchett

Graduate Research Assistants, MIT Aeronautical Systems Laboratory Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology



An experimental simulator study was run to test pilot detection of an error in autopilot mode selection. Active airline air crew were asked to fly landing approaches by commanding the
Flight Path Angle
mode while monitoring the approach with both a Head Up Display and Head Down Displays. During one approach, the
Vertical Speed
mode was intentionally triggered by an experimenter instead, causing a high rate of descent below the intended glide path. Of the 12 pilots, 10 did not act to decrease the high descent rate prior to significant glide path deviation. <.blockquote>



Loss of pilot awareness about the commanded autopilot descent modes is a speculated or reported cause in several recent incidents involving Airbus A320 aircraft. With the new autopilot systems of this aircraft, the pilot can command several vertical flight path modes, including a specified Flight Path Angle or a specified Vertical Speed. These two modes share the same selector knob and display, have only a simple push-button toggle to switch between them, and have similar mode indicators. Therefore, the presentation and selection of these modes combined with the potentially severe consequences of an error generate several serious questions about the supervisory control task required of the pilot by these new systems.

1.1 Motivation

On January 20, 1992, an A320 aircraft crashed during a non-precision approach into Strasbourg airport, killing 86 passengers. The descent rate of the aircraft has been estimated to be 3300 fpm, resulting in impact with high terrain. This differs dramatically from the descent detailed in the approach plate; the aircraft should have followed a gradual 'step-down' approach, which can also be approximated by a 3.3 degree descent.

It is speculated the flight crew inadvertently placed the aircraft into the wrong descent mode and did not recognize the problem during the following 47 seconds up to impact. This problem with mode awareness may have been influenced by the command pilot's likely primary flight reference, a Heads Up Display (HUD) with no mode annunciation, and by the lack of a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS).

Two other incidents involved the same confusion about descent mode during approach. Fortunately, the errors were recognized in time to prevent ground impact and were later reported by the pilots of the aircraft.

1.2 Background

In modern air carrier aircraft, the aircraft trajectory can be controlled in three ways: manual control by the pilot, automatic flight guidance over a specified route by a Flight Management System, and selected autopilot control over specified aircraft states. This selected autopilot control is commanded by setting specified 'Modes'; for the vertical flight path these modes include Altitude Hold, Altitude Select, Vertical Speed, Approach, and Missed Approach. In some of the new air transport aircraft, a new mode, Flight Path Angle, is also available.

The primary display and selectors of autopilot modes and their target values are presented on the Flight Control Unit (FCU). This instrument is located in the center console on the glare-shield, within reach of both the captain and the flight officer. The four rotary knobs can be used to select the desired state values of Speed, Heading or Track, Altitude, and Vertical Speed or Flight Path Angle. To select autopilot control over a particular state, the pilot sets the desired state value and then pulls on the knob to command the mode governing that state. An additional recessed push-button on the FCU toggles between the modes Vertical Speed or Flight Path Angle.

With the original A320 FCU, a selected vertical speed or flight path angle would both be shown as two digits, with a plus or minus sign indicating a climb or descent respectively. For example, descents at 3200 fpm or at 3.2 degrees would be depicted as '-32'. A retrofit modifies the display to show four digits in the case of a commanded vertical speed, and to put a decimal between the two digits shown with a Flight Path Angle.

When a mode is selected on the FCU, its target value is shown in its respective window. In addition, a text annunciation "VS" is shown on the FCU in white if Vertical Speed is commanded. If Flight Path Angle is selected, an "FPA" is shown, also in white, in the same area. The current autopilot modes are also annunciated at the top of each pilot's Primary Flight Display (PFD).

The pilot in the Strasbourg accident had a Heads Up Display (HUD) available for use as his primary flight reference. Mounted on top of the instrument panel, this display presents essential state information to the pilot while also allowing the pilot to see, through its glass surface, the forward out-the-window view. However, the HUD does not display any of the autopilot mode annunciations.

The pilots' vertical flight path mode awareness may be determined by several different factors. First, the pilot is responsible for determining each autopilot mode through FCU selectors. Next, the selected mode can be displayed through explicit autopilot mode annunciation, and by displays which illustrate the current and target values of the aircraft states. Finally, the attention the pilot can dedicate to supervising the autopilot can affect his/her awareness of the commanded autopilot modes. The Vertical Speed and Flight Path Angle modes are often commanded during Terminal Area operations and on Final Approach. These phases of flight have a high pilot workload and require frequent changes in the aircraft guidance commands. On a non-precision approach, the pilot must also be concerned with obtaining visual contact with the runway, requiring significant 'Heads Up' time. Therefore, on Final Approach the pilot's available attention to supervisory roles may be limited.

1.3 Objectives

To examine the issues of vertical flight path mode awareness, the objectives of this study were:

1) To examine the length of time required by pilots to recognize both

- a problem with the aircraft state (excessive vertical speed)

- the cause of the problem (incorrect autopilot mode), and
2) To determine the primary and secondary display cues the pilots used for vertical flight path mode awareness.

In order to accomplish these objectives, a part-task simulation was developed on the MIT Advanced Cockpit Simulator. This simulation was used to examine an inadvertent selection of Vertical Speed when a desired Flight Path Angle was intended, roughly modeling the situation speculated in the Strasbourg accident.



Using the MIT Advanced Cockpit Simulator (ACS), active airline pilots flew a series of non-precision approaches with reference to a Heads Up Display (HUD), a Flight Control Unit (FCU) and other instruments. During subject briefing, the pilots were told the use of the Flight Path Angle autopilot mode was being tested to allow for lower minimums in non-precision approaches. They were asked to command the flight path angle, supervise the approach and complete the approach manually when visual contact was made with the runway. During the fourth approach, an experimenter, acting as Pilot Not Flying, commanded Vertical Speed mode instead, and the pilots' recognition time of the excessive vertical rate and its cause was recorded. During a debriefing, the pilots were also asked for subjective comments about autopilot modes and their display.

This section first details the setup of the MIT ACS and its displays. Then the procedures followed during the experiment are described.

2.1 Simulator Setup

The MIT ACS is based upon two Silicon Graphics workstations providing both the graphics emulating the cockpit displays, and the computation to simulate the aircraft dynamics and to drive the ancillary controls. The aircraft has the level of performance approximating a Boeing 737. A side-stick was provided for manual control.

A Head Up Display (HUD), based on the Flight Dynamics HUD, was situated in front of the pilot. Although it differs somewhat from the A320 HUD, it presents similiar information. A radar altimeter indication was shown at heights below 500 feet above ground and no ground proximity aural alerts were given, imitating the Air Inter A320's lack of a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS). The HUD's in both the 3.2 degree and 3200 fpm descents are shown in Figure 1. For the 3.2 degree descent, the flight path indicator is on the 3.2 degree position on the pitch angle scale. For the 3200 fpm descent, the flight path angle is much steeper and the numerical value of -3200 appears on the lower right.


Figure 1a. Heads Up Display in 3.2º Descent Mode


Figure 1b. Heads Up Display in 3200 fpm Descent Mode

An out-the-window view was presented behind the HUD symbology. Until the aircraft was below 1500 feet above ground, the flight was in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). Then, a basic terrain map became visible. During the nominal approaches, an airport was shown on the ground.

All of the 'Heads Down' displays were shown on a second graphics screen, placed to the front and right of the pilot. These displays included: a representation of the Flight Control Unit (FCU), a generic Primary Flight Display (PFD) modeled after those in the Boeing 747-400 and Airbus A320, and miscellaneous indicators for gear and flaps.

The FCU displayed all annunciations and selected values in the same manner as the A320, but none of the selectors or dials could be used. In order to change the modes and values commanded by the FCU, the pilots were told to call out the settings they wanted selected and an experimenter, acting as Pilot Not Flying, entered them via a keyboard. The FCU is shown in Figure 2 for descents of -3.2 degrees and 3200 feet/min.

(60 K)

(60 K)

2.2 Experiment Procedure

The 12 subjects were current airline pilots. They were briefed before the flights on the displays and controls of the simulator. Especial care was taken in explaining the HUD, including the speed, pitch, altitude and vertical speed indicators, and in describing the modes available on the A320 and their differences from the subject pilot's normal aircraft.

The subjects were then told that the objectives of the study were to: Test use of Heads Up Display (HUD) and new autopilot systems for non-precision approaches in low visibility. They were told to execute a sequence of five final approaches in low visibility conditions by commanding the autopilot to follow a localizer and a specified flight path angle. After making visual contact with the runway they were to take manual control of the aircraft. During the briefing they were told that the point at which they took manual control was the metric of interest.

At the start of each approach, the aircraft was two miles outside of the Final Approach Fix (FAF). Therefore, the start of the approach involved a high workload, during which the pilot had pre-select the required flight path angle, trigger the autopilot mode at the FAF, and start commanding appropriate landing speeds, flap positions and gear extension. Once pilots were established on the approach and in landing configuration, pilot workload drops and subjects had ample time to monitor the approach and search for the runway through the HUD.

The experiment objectives given to pilots were deliberately misleading. By having an emphasis on visual contact with the runway, it was hoped their attention would be on the HUD and 'out-the-window', rather than fixating on the FCU and other 'heads down' displays.

Instead of flying the five approaches for which they were initially briefed, the pilots flew only four. During the fourth approach, the erroneous Vertical Speed mode was triggered by an experimenter, acting as Pilot Not Flying.

Once the pilot recognized the severe descent of the vertical speed mode approach and took any action to change it, the time of recognition was recorded. If the pilot took no action the descent was allowed to continue until ground impact.

After the last approach, pilots were asked several questions about their recognition, or lack of recognition, of the extreme descent and its cause. Other data recorded included the aircraft state data throughout the run, and a summary of the pilot's background information.



3.1 Subjects

Twelve air carrier pilots participated in this study. Ten flew larger transport aircraft such as the MD-80 or Boeing 767; the remaining two flew commuter aircraft with glass cockpits. Seven were captains and five were first officers, with an average of 9800 flight hours (the least experienced had 2200 hours, the most had 18,500 flight hours). None of the pilots had flight experience in the Airbus A320 or had flown HUD equipped aircraft.

3.2 Recognition of Severe Descent and Incorrect Descent Mode

One pilot of the twelve immediately noticed the extreme pitch down of the aircraft on the HUD. One pilot safely took manual control after the aircraft had descended approximately 1500 feet. Six pilots took control after a descent of approximately 2800 feet, when the aircraft was approximately 500 feet above ground level and the descent of 3200 fpm was well established, which would have resulted in ground impact in the Strasbourg accident. Four of the pilots did not take action before the aircraft impacted the ground as it was set in the simulation. These results are shown pictorially in Figure 3.


Figure 3. Altitudes At Which Pilots Took Action

The depicted altitudes indicate only the points at which the pilots were aware that a serious problem existed with the aircraft configuration and took action. The pilots' actions in all but one case were to take manual control of the aircraft; the subject who immediately recognized the incorrect mode needed only to request that the mode be corrected. Questioning revealed that pilots who took manual control were reacting to the severe descent, the cause of which they had not been able to identify. The pilots intended to stabilize the aircraft manually and then attempt to ascertain the cause of this severe descent.

All of the pilots, even those who did not take any action, were confused and concerned by the increasing descent rate and its accompanying speed build up when in the unanticipated Vertical Speed mode. Some pilots attempted to reduce these particular aircraft states directly by requesting speed brakes and/or a somewhat shallower flight path angle.

3.3 Variations in Recognition Based on Pilot Characteristics

The altitude at which pilots took action has been examined for differences between pilots with different characteristics. No significant differences can be found between pilots with high and low levels of experience (as indicated by their flight hours), nor can differences be found between pilots of different ages.

Five of the twelve pilots received their initial flight training in the military. Only two of these five took action before the aircraft reached the ground, and at very low altitudes. Of the seven pilots whose initial training was not military, two pilots recognized the error at safe altitudes, four took action at low altitudes and only one did not take action. The number samples is too small to provide any statistical significance.

Six pilots identified themselves as captains; four pilots identified themselves as flight officers. Of the four flight officers, only one pilot took action (at a 'safe' altitude). Of the six captains, only one pilot did not take action. Again, there isn't enough data to provide statistical significance.

3.4 Primary and Secondary Cues of Extreme Descent

By noting what the pilots said during their simulation runs and the following debriefings, the dominant and supporting cues to the pilot of the extreme descent were identified. These did not appear to vary between the pilots who did or did not take action, nor did they vary between pilots with any other identified characteristic.

During the simulation runs, all of the pilots commented on the high descent rate. During the debriefing, five of the eight pilots who took action cited it as the strongest cue to take action. Another four pilots also cited it as a secondary cue. The indication of the high descent rate was described by six of the pilots as exceeding a certain threshold and by the other three as not conforming to a formula or cross-check they are accustomed to performing on approach (e.g. "Vertical speed should be about five times the ground speed.") One of the pilots indicated concern over the descent but then attributed it to the flight path angle mode he believed was commanded at the time.

Another cue that was commented on by most of the pilots, once the descent rate was established, was the speed buildup that occurred as the autopilot attempted to maintain the high rate of descent. In the debriefing, one pilot who took manual control cited this as the first cue of an abnormal situation; another two pilots also cited it as a supporting cue.

Once the 3200 fpm vertical speed is established, the aircraft descends at a flight path angle of approximately eight degrees. This steep descent prevents the aircraft from maintaining the commanded approach speed. With flaps fully extended, this caused the HUD's aircraft attitude indicator to drop below the flight path vector. This appearance of the HUD was cited by two pilots as the compelling cue for them to take action. Another four pilots cited the extreme nose down attitude as a supporting cue in the debriefing.

The appearance of the radar altimeter on the HUD at 500 feet AGL was cited during the debriefing by only one pilot as a supporting cue. However, seven of the pilots took action soon after this indication appeared on the HUD, suggesting that this indication was more compelling than the pilots' after-the-fact responses indicate.

Another supporting cue, mentioned by two pilots, was a cross-check of the altitude with the distance to the threshold as shown by the Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). These cross-checks were quite simple, usually a comparison between the fraction of altitude descended to the fraction of the distance covered.

The mode annunciators on the PFD or FCU were noticed by only two pilots, and only after they had taken action. Pilot comments indicate they did not feel the annunciators were compelling because of their 'heads-down' location and similar appearances for different modes.

3.5 Pilot Subjective Opinions on Mode Presentation

During the debriefing, all the pilots felt the presentation of Flight Path Angle and Vertical Speed modes could be improved. In free responses, six pilots stated that the mode annunciations should be made more distinct and identifiable. Three pilots stated the selector for these two modes should be physically separated. One suggestion was to use a different color to highlight the 'non-normal' mode, although no opinion was given about what should be the 'normal' mode.

Six pilots suggested mode annunciation or graphical cues on the HUD, although three also expressed concerns about cluttering the HUD and information overload. Two pilots suggested aural alerts for 'stupid' mode selections. One pilot suggested changes in the procedures used for selecting modes, such as calling out the mode and commanded state value, with a response from the pilot-not-flying.

3.6 Simulation Fidelity

During the debriefing, pilots were asked questions about the simulation fidelity. Eight of the pilots felt they understood the HUD and 10 of the pilots felt they understood the FCU. 10 of the pilots felt the workload in the simulation was realistic; one differing pilot felt the workload was too low, the other differing pilot felt the workload was too high. Overall, the pilots felt the simulation was realistic.

The simulation differed from normal approaches in that the subject-pilot was expected to recognize the error without relying on the experimenter-copilot. Recognition of the extreme descent and its cause may happen more quickly in a two-crew cockpit.

Finally, the pilots used in this study were new to HUD's, the mode Flight Path Angle and the A320 Mode Control Panel. Being relatively untrained in the use of Flight Path Angle mode, their recognition may have been slower than that expected from flight crew trained on these systems.



Several valuable conclusions about issues with vertical flight path mode awareness can be made. However, this experiment was not intended to examine any one aircraft's exact displays or systems; any such studies would require further simulation with exact displays and pilots trained on these the specific systems.

1) Most pilots showed a lack of awareness of the commanded descent mode and were confused by the resulting aircraft states.

All but one of the subjects allowed the aircraft to deviate significantly from the intended glide path, with ten pilots allowing the aircraft to reach altitudes where ground impact either happened or would be difficult to avoid. This indicates that pilots had a serious lack of autopilot mode and aircraft state awareness when given the displays used in the study. All of the pilots were concerned and confused by the vertical speed, pitch attitude and speed buildup that ensued from the descent, but many were reluctant to act because of confusion or a belief that these extreme states were required to maintain the expected flight path angle.

2) Pilots evaluated the condition of the aircraft by supervising aircraft states.

When flying the aircraft, the pilots monitored the aircraft states on their customary primary flight displays, rather than monitoring the commanded modes on the Mode Control Panel. This was shown by the pilots' comments during the simulations, when all of them mentioned the numerical value of the vertical speed, and most mentioned airspeed and/or altitude checks. These states were evaluated in two ways: as comparisons to allowable thresholds, such as "We should not be descending this fast"; and simple memorized rule manipulations, such as "Vertical speed should be five times the ground speed".

3) The display cues cited by the pilots and the instruments in their scan suggest study of some changes in mode presentation and pilot training.

To monitor autopilot conformance, pilots must compare between mode annunciations, commanded values selected on the Mode Control Panel, and the aircraft states shown on their Primary Flight Displays and HUD. This requires the pilot to reference several displays and compare between displays in different formats on different screens, sometimes referencing states that are not distinctly quantified (such as Flight Path Angle).

Several simple display improvements were suggested by the pilots, including: physical separation of the descent mode selectors and mode annunciations, more identifiable mode annunciations than just two or three letter identifiers, and the use of different colors for different modes.

More elaborate display improvements also warrant investigation. For autopilot modes involving altitude and speed, the commanded state values are shown graphically on the same displays as the actual aircraft states. This method of presentation reinforces the pilot's awareness of the commanded modes and their target states, and allows for easy supervision of autopilot conformance. These types of displays could also be shown for all target aircraft states, and could be included in a HUD type display without adding text annunciators.

Improvements in training and procedures were also suggested by some of the pilots. For example, pilots did not have a standard protocol for cross-checking these values with those selected on the Mode Control Panel. Also, none of the pilots cross-checked the mode that was selected by experimenter who was acting as co-pilot; such a procedure would help in quick detection of erroneous mode selection.

Finally, Flight Path Angle is a new autopilot mode that pilots are not accustomed to control manually. Only in the most recent glass cockpit aircraft is any indication of the flight path vector shown, and then only in reference to a pitch ladder on the direction indicator. This autopilot mode and any other mode referencing unfamiliar states requires additional pilot training so that they can quickly predict the underlying dynamics of the aircraft condition they are commanding, and thus monitor its conformance.
College orders professor to stop euthanasia research

Brian Hutchinson, National Post Published: Thursday, July 03, 2008

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try{ var arr_da = document.getElementById('ad-leaderboard').getElementsByTagName('script'); for(var i in arr_da){ if(typeof(arr_da.src) != 'undefined' && (/http:\/\/ad\.ca\.doubleclick\.net/.test(arr_da.src))){ var str_da_src = arr_da.src; str_da_src = str_da_src.replace(/loc=\w+;/gi, 'loc=microbar;'); str_da_src = str_da_src.replace(/sz=\d+x\d+;/gi, 'sz=88x31;'); str_da_src = str_da_src.replace(/ptile=\d+;/gi, 'ptile=4;'); document.write(''); break; } } }catch(e){} np_network-88x31.gifRussel Ogden is a university instructor whose interest lies in death. Assisted suicide and euthanasia. Consensual and not. Murder, it is sometimes called inside Canadian criminal courts.

He studies certain "deathing" methods - including a virtually undetectable application called New Technology for Self Deliverance, or NuTech.

Mr. Ogden also observes, in person, suicides. His supporters insist this is a valuable and legitimate method of academic inquiry. But the Vancouver-area school where Mr. Ogden works wants him to stop.

Kwantlen University College in Surrey, B.C., acknowledged Thursday that it has withdrawn its approval for a research proposal submitted three years ago by Mr. Ogden.

"Our due diligence included obtaining two opinions from one of Canada's foremost criminal lawyers about the legal implications," read a statement issued by the school's director of marketing and communications, Peter Chevrier.

"Based on our due diligence, including the lawyer's opinions, we concluded that there were real and unacceptable legal risks associated with the proposed research."

Kwantlen's decision has upset and dumbfounded some Canadian academics and their representatives. Demanding that Mr. Ogden terminate his research, already approved and underway, "seems like a gross violation of academic freedom," says James Turk, executive director of the Ottawa-based Canadian Association of University Teachers, which represents 65,000 instructors.

Apparently, he adds, "Kwantlen obtained a legal opinion that because euthanasia is illegal in Canada, what Mr. Ogden is doing [witnessing suicides] could be illegal. But we don't think that it follows, necessarily. [Post-secondary] researchers examine illegal acts all the time."

Mr. Ogden sought his own legal review before undertaking his research and received an all-clear. His legal fees were covered by the CAUT.

Mr. Ogden's disagreement with Kwantlen was first outlined in a Vancouver Sun article Thursday.

Kwantlen officials aren't speaking about the matter; the school's statement Thursday was its only response. Mr. Ogden also refuses comment, citing his "concern for keeping my job."

He directed inquiries to a sympathetic criminologist at nearby Simon Fraser University in Burnaby. John Lowman says the "stop research" demand made by Kwantlen is typical of academic administrations in Canada that "have become afraid of controversy."

It isn't clear what prompted Kwantlen to undertake due diligence of Mr. Ogden's work, or why the school chose yesterday to refer to it as "proposed research."

"The research was funded, it was underway, it was in progress," says Mr. Turk. "This is the first time we've been made aware of a university prohibition on research that had already been vetted and approved."

Participants contact Mr. Ogden themselves and are motivated by their own concerns. Advocates of assisted suicide and euthanasia argue that the practices are not immoral. They say that methods of self-directed death and euthanasia must be improved to relieve a person's suffering.

Academic reports written by Mr. Ogden when he was a graduate student as SFU more than a decade ago described "botched" acts of assisted suicide and euthanasia that "resulted in increased suffering."

Three years ago, Mr. Ogden applied for a Research Ethics Review at Kwantlen. Such a review is required for any post-secondary instructor in Canada when conducting research using "human participants."

According to Prof. Lowman, Mr. Ogden presented to members of Kwantlen's Research Ethics Board a detailed prospectus that included a protocol that he would follow when witnessing an assisted suicide.

The protocol included a pledge that he would not participate in the planning or the execution of a suicide; that he would not encourage a suicide; that he would not request that anyone avoid participation in a suicide.

"No obligation is assumed by anyone whom he studies," says Dr. Lowman. "People can back out. In fact, if someone backs out, the reasons behind that are of equal interest to Russel."

The Research Ethics Board approved Mr. Ogden's research methods in May, 2005. According to the CAUT, the approval was countersigned by Grant Allan, Kwantlen's vice-president, research.

Kwantlen had second thoughts and sought the first of its two legal opinions on Mr. Ogden's activities.

In December, 2006, it asked the instructor to stop witnessing suicides; Mr. Ogden complained to his union representatives, who then informed Kwantlen's faculty association. It, in turn, approached the CAUT after internal remedies failed.

Last week, the CAUT struck a three-person committee that will review the situation to determine if Kwantlen was "right or wrong" to insist that its instructor stop his research.

Prof. Lowman is willing to bet on the outcome. The matter has been raised twice before, he notes. Mr. Ogden was conducting similar suicide research as a student at SFU when he was subpoenaed to appear in a B.C. court and instructed to divulge information about a death. He refused, but was forced to defend his research practices and his pledge to keep confidential the names of his study participants.

Later, he sued SFU to recover his legal costs.

Five years ago, while working at Exeter University in Britain, Mr. Ogden found himself again at odds with school administrators. According to Prof. Lowman, Exeter reneged on its agreement to protect the identities of people involved in illegal suicides that Mr. Ogden had examined.

Exeter later paid him more than $140,000 in damages.

National Post

Excelente aporte, la relación entre el rbx34 y el GAMMING, que otrora fuese la forma de vida en las aguas de la vida, ha sido uno de los temas menos vaginescos vistos jamás por el hombre. Es claro que para sentar las bases en una discusión como esta, donde las mujeres y las ballenas tienen que convivir con la atención penil del ser masculino actual es algo delicado y de interés para todas las partes (incluidas las ballenas).

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