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Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

In order to maintain a pleasant gaming and smooth patching experience, all servers will be undergoing weekly server inspection.

Weekly server inspection will occur every Tuesday.

Game Inspection Period : Oct 28, 2008 13:00~17:00 Silkroad Standard Time (4 hour duration)

- Silkroad Online will be integrated into Joymax.com.

- People's choice! Avatar item 'Angel Wing Dress' and 'Devil Wing Dress' will be added.

- Halloween Event will begin.

- Massive bot punishment will be done.

Y q chiva lo q van a estar dropeando en el evento :P

ello. This is Silkroad Online.

Halloween with Silkroad Online!

Halloween Event which occurs from October 28th to November 11th is announced below.

[Event Procedure]

- Halloween Event will be proceeded automatically when you log in after the weekly inspection on October 28th.

- Defeat monsters and jewel box will be dropped randomly.

- Bring the jewel box to NPC So-ok and she'll exchange it for a gift. Gift will be given in random.

- Jewel box can be exchanged for gifts without limit in numbers during the Event period.

Event Gift

Dodging Scroll 1, Hit Scroll 1, Moving Speed Scroll 1, Trigger Scroll 1, 500 HP increase Scroll 1, 500 MP increase Scroll 1, HP Recovery Grain (Small), MP Recovery Grain (Small), Vigor Recovery Grain (Small), Mangyang Balloon, Movoi Balloon, Wizard's Hat (M), Witch's Hat (F), Wizard's Costume (M), Witch's Costume (F), Wizard's Broomstick (M), Witch's Broomstick (F)

Posted (edited)
Mejor usa ese dinero y te compras una espada y un caballo de verdad.

y yo para q quiero una espada, el caballo todavia bueno podria ser una inversion, pero la espada nombre, con el de untar mantequilla al pan me la juego :P

Edited by DarthMaul
Posted (edited)
-------> battlerfury123.png

25h WoW?


aaa eso tiene respusta yo conozo al mae, esas horas de vuelo en WOW son del hermano, el mae es de Pital, pero estudia en San Ramon, el y el hermanillo usan el mismo xfire

Edited by DarthMaul

El evento ha sido un exito, ya tengo traje todo M, con todo y escoba !!!!

Y como se remataron a soltar elixir, si alguien ocupa, tengo pega de Weapon, Shield y Acc...

Server: Venus

Otro exito de Joymax!!!!

Que grande !!!


A mi So-ok me dio en una cajita un wand de Skeleton y el pet del achivement, oh wait, esto no es la sección de WoW XD.

Tranquilo, la sección de Silkroad no va a morir mientras los ex jugadores de SRO vengan a spamear XD.

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