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Posted (edited)

aprender -> mejorar

ojalá aprendan de todo mundo =D

---===Post Nuevo===---

dev de tor:

"we have 8 classes announced and each class is around 200 hours of story"

Fuente: Gamespot

--==Post Nuevo 2==--

Pareciera que va a haber una clase inspirada en los mandalorians:

Edited by Báhdom

la parte de chamacos jugando y gente madura quiere decir en el sentido de chamacos madreando sin razon solo porq se la partieron, y hay maes de 40 años jugando en pc, y son bastante maduros para entender la realidad de los juegos...

asi q es como jugar cualquier otra vara q usted juega tranquilo, si lo matan, di ya lo mataron restart and try again, con chamacos inmaduros es diferente, madren todo lo q se mueve, se creen toda, y se creen graciosos matando lvl1 cuando son como lvl100 (no digo q hayan adultos q hagan lo mismo, pero creo q la cantidad de gente es diferente)

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


-Uno puede incluir amigos al quest en cualquier momento de un flashpoint

-Hay sincronización de combate [se pueden apreciar choques de lightsabers etc]

At the end of the presentation, the point is made that what BioWare have shown is nothing like the MMOs we know of today. Where are the PvP arenas? Or the large, 25+ player raids? Or auction houses? Or, hey, space-combat? Vogel raises an eyebrow. “Oh, we have all that too. We’re just going to wait a little bit to show you that.”

--==New Post==--

El video documentary 3 elabora sobre el tema de los voice overs. Como saben, absolutamente TODO el juego está voiced over. También puede apreciarse un poco del sistema de diálogo. Muchos reconoceran la rueda de elección también presente en Mass Effect.

Por un breve momento se puede ver también como va a funcionar la visualización de los lugares para cubrirse.



PD: :w00t1:

PD2: la voz de los PCs no me gustó mucho la vdd =/ bueh, supongo [espero?] que uno puede escoger su propia voz

PD3: aunque el estilo artístico me agrada veo ciertas deficiencias en la parte visual, veo como raro el pelo =p

Algunos screenshots del video estan en la galeria correspondiente en GCR

Edited by Báhdom

algo que me tiene un poco tranquilo en ese respecto, es que desde el principio dijeron que no iban a comentar sobre nada que no estuviera ya implementado, eso con el fin de evitar prometer cosas y que luego no las cumplieran. Así que por lo menos uno sabe que si dicen que va a tener algo es porque va a tenerlo.

--==New Post==--

Acá: http://darthhater.com/2009/07/18/dissected-videodoc3/ hay varias imágenes del gameplay footage junto con descripciones o puntos de interés

Parece que la voz del bounty hunter la hace el mismo voice actor que hace a solid snake =p

George Lucas has decreed that there can be no more Wookiee Jedi in the Expanded Universe.

ahi puede buscar las referencias de ellos


Hay una fuente q es a un foro... y la otra es a una revista oficial en linea, pero al parecer hay q ser miembro para leerla :S

Igual q cagada, no tiene sentido

Posted (edited)

dey, es el foro de darkhorse y si se fija postea el editor de darkhorse comics reafirmando el comentario

Edited by Báhdom

Una cosa que me parecio interesante del preview del gameplay es la animación de los personajes y la textura con la que se ven, me gusta lo que veo y me da la impresión de que va a ser de cierto modo semi - liviano y bastante fluido ... en cuanto al gameplay ... pues las escenas del angar se ven movidillas, habra que ver que tanto se podra desplazar mientras hace alguna habilidad o si sera boton 1, para, muevase de nuevo, boton 3, para, muevase y asi sucesivamente

pues las escenas del hangar se ven movidillas, habra que ver que tanto se podra desplazar mientras hace alguna habilidad o si sera boton 1, para, muevase de nuevo, boton 3, para, muevase y asi sucesivamente

ya han dicho que quieren que el combate sea fast paced y no como WoW

ya está disponible para descargar la versión HD del video

Posted (edited)

Fíjese en la sección "Combat"


  • Only being released for PC, no consoles
  • 8 Classes confirmed - Multiple reviews
  • Seems that the Game has PvE Mode and a PvP Mode - SifiWire
  • No Permadeath - Confirmed by Dev Damion Schubert
  • The game is not aimed at the Hardcore player but the Star Wars, RPG and Bioware Fans- GamesRadar
  • Graphics are great and smooth - Mentioned in Multiple Reviews
  • Quest Givers seem to be indicated by a Symbol above there heads - VO Video (4mins 56sec)
  • Bioware was aware of there limitations in the MMO market so took the cream of all there divisions and hired people who were well versed in the MMO field - GamesRadar
  • The Majority of the Game can be done without Any help from anyone else - StarWarsMMO Demo
  • Space Experience will be in game, its still being worked on - Machinima
  • 200+ Hours of game play per character - Gamespot 2 Vid.
  • Naming Filters include not being able to have numbers, special characters or Star Wars names - StarWarsMMO Demo
  • There is mention of a Player Driven Economy in the review from Joystiq.
  • The aim is to remove Grinding - multiple reviews.
  • They are looking into seperate servers for PvP, RP etc as an option. - StarWarsMMO
  • They are trying to make TOR available to People with a mix of PC quality Old and New- StarWarsMMO
  • PvP, Auction House, Raiding and an Economy all confirmed on video by a Dev: ZAM
  • The Game is fully operational now Gophn.com
  • Localised instancing - When getting/handing in a quest you are the only one at NPC - MMOGAMER + VO Video (See 4mins 58 Sec)


  • Still no mention of non-human playable races.
  • Information on races other than Human coming soon - StarWarsMMO
  • Was mentioned that both Trooper and Smuggler can use cover - GamesRadar
  • Bounty Hunters start on Hutta - Mentioned in Multiple Reviews
  • Bounty Hunters Story Arc is called 'The Great Hunt' - SifiWire
  • Bounty Hunters as well as ranged can do hand to hand combat plus dirty tricks - SifiWire
  • Smuggler starts on Ord Mantell - Mentioned in Multiple Reviews
  • Trooper also starts on Ord Mantell- GamesRadar
  • Characters can Jump!- StarwarsMMO
  • There is one Male and One Female voice per Class - Sean Dahlberg [me parece que en otro lado dijeron que uno podía escoger de una variedad de vocesm, precisamente para evitar que todo mundo sonara igual, habrá que ver cuál es]
  • Full Body and Facial expressions while speaking - StarWarsMMO Demo
  • Player Characters have some intresting moves.. Smuggler (knee NPC in nuts and shoot them in the head)
  • Mixed Party Quests, If a Smuggler and Jedi group to go do the Smuggler quest line there will be quests for the Jedi to do while helping Smuggler - MMOGAmer
  • There is an END to each classes Story with new content to extend each story- MMOGamer
  • The more Dark/Light Side you go you gain access to more abilities that lean towards that calling that going the other way denies you. - GameSutra

User Interface: - A link to the Image of the UI is shown below

  • 12 Button UI with built in Radar, XP Bar, Player and Target Portraits - VO Video
  • 3D Portraits used to show player and party members - VO Video
  • Buffs and current applied abilities show above the Health Bar of the Player - VO Video
  • Quest Tracker and Chat Box Shown - VO Video
  • The UI Can be customised!- StarWarsMMO

Voices & Dialogue

  • Dialog selection via a Mass Effect Style Dialog wheel - Multiple reviews + VO Video
  • Subtitles shown for species that do not speak Basic - VO Video
  • Quest Dialogue can change depending on what other player classes you bring with you during quests - VO Video
  • Full Voice overs for all NPC, Companions and Player Characters - VO Video
  • There are Persuade options for certain dialogue - VO Video
  • BioWare is currently indicating that it will be unwilling to let players skip or read dialogue scenes- EuroGamer
  • Some voice overs being done by cast members of Battlestar Galatica - Kotaku


  • No Auto Attack - Mentioned in Multiple Reviews
  • Combat is fast paced (Almost Console Speed) - TenTonHammer
  • Synchronized combat. Lightsabers actually clash etc - GamesRadar
  • Enemies fall fast and come quick, and the pace of action is consistent.- EuroGamer
  • While seeing the Combat in the Flaspoint its seemed very like Battlefront with 10 vs 2 combat - StarWarsMMO Demo
  • When engaging NPCs the NPC switched from Ranged to Melee as the Players got closer - StarWarsMMO Demo + VO Video
  • Combat was more fluid not stiff like KOTRO - StarWarsMMO Demo
  • Cooldowns on the skills were very short, and the skills themselves were swift, immediate- EuroGamer
  • TOR is NOT going for normal MMO Combat but Star Wars Combat (2.43 on vid)- Gamespot 17th June
  • Players seem to be able to take on 1 to 4 NPCs at the same time. - Destructoid + StarWarsMMO + VO Video
  • Duel use of Lightsabers shown. - Mentioned in Multiple Reviews + VO Video
  • Sith was shown using two colours of Ligtsaber Crystal - VO Video
  • Short cooldowns and Channeling of abilities shown - VO Video
  • Sith Ability of 'Channelled Hatred' and Bounty Hunter ability 'Electro Dart' Shown - VO Video
  • Cover system shown working, Smuggler can select from a Silhouette of the PC to move to cover - VO Video
  • Force Jump and Force Choke shown - VO Video
  • Sith Force points shown being gained while fighting to be used for special moves (Yellow markers below the Sith Health Bar) - VO Video
  • The Sith was Auto deflecting Blaster Bolts during the Flaspoint - StarWarsMMO Demo


  • Loot seems to be based on Light/Darkside as well as class.
  • End Game Content like Raiding is available if players do not want to re roll- MMOGamer
  • Looting is the standard Loot types in other MMOs - StarWarsMMO
  • Choices in Flashpoints can change the course of the instance. Kill a NPC and 'A' happens.. do not kill and 'B' happens. - Mentioned in Multiple Reviews
  • Flashpoints can be done solo or grouped.
  • Mentioned that during a solo Flashpoint (dungeons) friends can be invited at anypoint while doing quests- GamesRadar
  • Group decisions in Flashpoints (Its mentioned that BW are still working on how to apply LS/DS points depending on outcome).
  • Loot sets also seem to be in game, possible mutliple PvP sets mentioned - Gamespot Smuggler
  • The Group decisions seem to work like the LOTRO Combo Combat function, you get little time to decide what you want to do. A selection of outcomes appear and you have to decide fast.
  • Multiple different outfits per class- TenTonHammer (watch vid)

Las referencias pueden buscarlas en el thread original: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=33345

Edited by Báhdom

Este es el juego que yo he esperado jugar desde que le agarre la gracia a los MMOs. La gran mayoría de compas que jugamos en Icecrown casi que nos pasamos para este juego cuando salga.

Posted (edited)
Este es el juego que yo he esperado jugar desde que le agarre la gracia a los MMOs. La gran mayoría de compas que jugamos en Icecrown casi que nos pasamos para este juego cuando salga.

excelente! hay que ponernos de acuerdo para escoger el servidor =p

Edited by Báhdom

Yo creo que yo seguro me voy de jupa, si no es lo que esperaba pues por lo menos tengo el juego por si en algún momento lo parchean para arreglarlo [AoC-ish] y si es todo lo que soñaba pues wiiiiii.

Con suerte y puedo jugar el beta y no tenga necesidad de esperar ^_^

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