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Alexander Brandon - Siren Synapse (Big Giant Circles Remix)

Posted (edited)

quote luiscz1 via http://www.youtube.com/user/Jon747

"Trully, is really sad that a scandal appeared in the starcraft world. The progamers implicated are:Hwasin, sAvior(now retired),Yellow(ArnC),Luxury(r­etired),UpMagic,go.go,type-b (wil join millitary, but no ACE).All the players (except SaviOr) have made public apologies.Well, like i said, a sad day por e-sports.Anyway we still have 2 finals to watch, Jon747 thanks for everything, we all aprecciated it."

"Someome ask me about the source of the fixing theme. Well, all the players (except for sAviOr) have cyworld (like a facebook) where they have wrote about how sorry they are. sAviOr have been forced to retired(kespa) and luxury also was forced to retired (by KT). The others players are still in doubt (except for type-b because he is joining the military service which is obligatory in Korea)."

En otras noticias, OJO EL SPLIT @7:31 O_O´´´´´´´´´´´´!!!!


Edited by cmoral3s

Kudos para la presentación del Hypewagon de esta semana. Desde la intro -¡excelente!- hasta la descripción, realmente muy buena. Cumplió con creces su objetivo de elevar el hype-o-meter, pasó de inmediato a mi backlog si algún día sale para PC... ;-(

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