Sky Posted July 26, 2010 Report Posted July 26, 2010 Blizzard nos puso en estas jugaderas, ¿en qué región compró Starcraft II?
TassadarCRG Posted July 26, 2010 Report Posted July 26, 2010 Lo compre de amazon, asi q seguramente será USA
b52.Psytechdragon Posted July 26, 2010 Report Posted July 26, 2010 Yo igual, aunque nunca se sabe con estos lacayos de Lucifer.
Razziel Posted July 26, 2010 Report Posted July 26, 2010 Igual en Amazon la CE, espero que este llegando por ahi de mediados de Agosto. Sin duda alguna lo primero que voy hacer es la Campaign.
cnNemesis Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 si ya ahi por ahi reviews del game y de principalmente BN 2.0 porfa pongalos por ahi para vinear a ver si me lo compro... sino va piratazo ...
Razziel Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Aro yo de verdad tengo mucha fe en el juego ojala que la espera haya valido la pena
djfrocho Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Va respaldo fuerte... luego ya me decidire...
Keroque Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Respaldo para ver q es la vara, no me gustan mucho ese tipo de juegos ni lo veo la gran cosa, ni tampoco me gusta gastar harina en eso..
TassadarCRG Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Me da risa como dicen "respaldo" xD, gracias a esos respaldos pasan cosas como estas
realkira Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Us version .. esperando que me deje comprar la key
Joel Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Amazon, versión Gringa. Si me pone a escoger el juego, porque no sé si lo pone a escoger a uno, entonces US server.
Legolas Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 (edited) No lo compre... Tengo Open Beta Asiatico Edited July 27, 2010 by Legolas
b52.Psytechdragon Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Parece que ya mi cajita está por llegar a Aerocasillas. Va a llegar justo para mi cumpleaños
xG.Zinner Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Yo me voy a esperar a los reviews a ver si vale la pena o no tener un respaldo del game
Havoc Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Lo compre en amazon. Me pela la verdura el server que sea.
husker Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 que pongan reviews de los q compraron el juego para ver como es el multiplayer para ver si los que lo compraron en usa se les queda pegado por el lag
TassadarCRG Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 en la beta US yo jugaba sin problemas el 95% de las veces y encontraba jugadores en menos de 15secs, espero que se mantega o mejore.
Legolas Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Yo no tengo problemas de lag Pero ya estoy harto de estar escuchando toda la mierda en Koreano.. no entiendo ni crap -.-'
mele Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 Yo no tengo problemas de lag Pero ya estoy harto de estar escuchando toda la mierda en Koreano.. no entiendo ni crap -.-' lol lego, q awebado debe de ser eso...
xG.SGT Posted July 27, 2010 Report Posted July 27, 2010 que pongan reviews de los q compraron el juego para ver como es el multiplayer para ver si los que lo compraron en usa se les queda pegado por el lag No va a tener problemas de lag yo jugue con mucha gente de CR en los servidores de USA y por lo menos lo q ellos me dijeron es q se puede jugar bien, yo en mi caso lo jugaba muy bien pero yo estoy en Canada. algunos reviews: Five or six missions into the game. I have to say that the single player is shockingly mediocre. The writing thus far is reflective of the dialogue in the trailers: terrible. For many, the campaign is the only reason why we bought it. My days of SC multi are a decade gone and I have no desire to play outside of my circle of now-aged college buddies, who likewise have families and careers. They must be saving all the new, innovative campaign mechanics for later. I count two reasonably interesting missions so far and even among those, one is dragged out 5x longer than they should be and the best ways to beat them is to do the opposite of their suggestions (played on hard). Too early to judge, but the early parts are not promising. The most baffling is the inclusion of NPCs in the walk-and-talk parts who are cardboard cutouts of the blandest video game archetypes. The "Hell Yeah" Roughneck. The Awkward Mad Scientist. The Chubby Engineer. Why would I want to click on these people? Is this a parody of a Bioware RPG? Is it telling that they had to attach "achievements" for simply sitting through their awful dialogue? Look, I know that from Diablo and such that Blizzard writes terrible, terrible NPCs. But they have a bajillion dollars now. There is no excuse for non-existent writing and a mission already recycled from Starcraft 1 within the first 3 missions. Otro Review Single player campaign has been enjoyable so far, nicely plot driven, with good reasons to do what you are doing. The upgrade/research/mercenary options add a further layer of strategy to it as you also have to manage the money you earn from missions. The characters are fun and even though they are in a serious situation manage to convey both humour and gravitas in the right amounts. Though I am at the early stages, so I dont know how this could change. So far I've had plenty of toys to play with, just with the terrans and I am only on the beginning stages. So far its got a 10/10 from me and a hearty reccomendation to buy it as soon as you can!
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