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Patch Notes Awakening:


When Shilen toppled Ye Sagira, she roused the leader of the ancient Giants, Hermuncus, who is sealed in the ruins. Hermuncus asks adventurers to find and release him from his seals. In return, he promises to Awaken them by giving them the powers of the Giant heroes.

When a character reaches level 85, Hermuncus sends a message directly to the mind of the character, offering the power to confront the Destruction in return for releasing him from his seals. The character accepts and completes the Seize Your Destiny quest, acquires a Scroll of Afterlife, and goes to the Reliquary of the Giants. There, the character brings the scroll item to the statue of the Giant hero that represents the Awakening class the character will become, and the character Awakens.

Upon Awakening, a character can exchange old skills for new skills that only that Awakening class can use. The new skills can be learned from the Learn Skill tab of the Skill window. The character also receives SP and the Essence of the Giants.

The Awakened character also receives a chest containing gifts from the Giant whose powers the character absorbed. These gifts include a weapon infused with the essence of the character's class before Awakening, five 100,000,000 SP scrolls, a class-specific cloak, two Weapon Attribute Change Crystals (S-Grade), and five Elixirs of Blessing.

Exclusive Awakening Perks

An Awakened character has access to exclusive perks, such as a new mode of transportation called Sayune, a class-specific mount skill, the ability to obtain a Dual Class, new race skills, the ability to equip and use R-grade items, and much more. In addition to the Sayune ability, Awakened characters can also use special teleports offered by NPCs called Hermuncus’s Servants that can be found in key hunting zones. These teleports cost 150,000 Adena each. There are different teleport destinations available depending on an Awakened character’s level.

Stone of Destiny

A level 85 character who is in a third class transfer can naturally Awaken into a single, destined class. However, the Stone of Destiny gives a character the choice of Awakening into a different class.

With the launch of Goddess of Destruction, all characters of level 40 or above are given a single Stone of Destiny. The Stone of Destiny is only granted to a character once. A character who has both a Stone of Destiny and a Scroll of Afterlife can Awaken into a class other than the destined class. The Stone of Destiny disappears when a character Awakens, even if the character Awakens into the destined class. It is a permanent non-tradable quest item.


Osea segun entendi:

P: que cuando sea lvl 85 puedo escojer otra clase para mi awakening, osea q si soy loltaker puedo ser dagger o archer o lo que quiera?

R: Si la que le la gana!!

P:solo los personajes viejos y que sean lvl 76+ de lineage y que tengan la stone of destiny pueden cambiarse, los nuevos no?

R: acerto


P: este cambio del awakening me va dejar cambiarle el fisico a mi personaje? o tengo q soportarme ser arquero con fisico de mago y q todos los armor del juego se me vean requetefeos?

R: ERROR!! esperese a q lorddarkness le responda ya que el ya lo hizo!!!!

Edited by Alien

R: lo de escojer cualquier clase fue una promocion para los jugadores que ya llevaban tiempo jugando o sea los que eran 76+ para el momento que Goddess of Destruction salio live, les daban un item llamado Stone of destiny con es item luego de completar el quest de awaken le daba la posibilidad de escoger cualquier clase awaken que desee pero le mantiene el fisico y raza del personaje, ahora la raza es muy importante puesto que todas las razas tienen skills unicos para mistic y para warrior.

Yo por mi parte my personage principal teneia que que ser daguero pero lo desperte como tanque, mi otro personage que era healer lo desperte como enchanter

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