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Enanitos Verdes - Eterna Soledad

Eterna soledad...

el tiempo danza en la madrugada,

y no podes dormir si estan

todas las luces apagadas.

Ya se fue el tren y esta calle

nunca mas sera igual.

Aprendiste a tener miedo pero

hay que correr el riesgo

de levantarse y seguir cayendo.

No hay nada que perder

cuando ya nada queda en el vaso.

Y no podes saber que fuerte

es el poder de un abrazo.

Ya se fue el tren y esta calle

nunca mas sera igual.

Aprendiste a tener miedo pero

hay que correr el riesgo

de levantarse y seguir cayendo.

Pero hay que correr el riesgo

de levantarse y seguir cayendo...

Yo lo se que nadie te dijo

para que todos esta aqui­.

Yo se la soledad, te da

un cierto confort,

no te deja mirar.

Eterna soledad,

eterna soledad....

Se que la gente busca tu consejo.

Hay que correr el riesgo

de levantarse y seguir cayendo.

Pero hay que correr el riesgo

de levantarse y seguir cayendo.

Edited by DChou87
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Los Pollitos Dicen - Anonimo

Los pollitos dicen

pio pio pio

cuando tienen hambre

cuando tienen frio

La gallina busca

el maiz y el trigo

les da la comida

y les presta abrigo

Bajo de sus alas

al salir el sol

se lavan la cara

con agua y jabon

Porque la limpieza

dice mi mama

que es una belleza

y salud nos da


Guipipia! Ajua!



Album: Reise Reise

Ich hab' kein Lust

Ich hab' kein Lust

Ich hab' kein Lust

Ich habe keine Lust mich nicht zu hassen

Hab' keine Lust mich anzufassen

Ich h?tte Lust zu onanieren

Hab' keine Lust es zu probieren

Ich h?tte Lust mich auszuziehen

Hab' keine Lust mich nackt zu sehen

Ich h?tte Lust mit gro?en Tiere

Hab' keine Lust es zu riskieren

Hab' keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen

Hab' keine Lust zu erfrieren

Ich hab' kein Lust

Ich hab' kein Lust

Ich hab' kein Lust

Nein ich hab' kein Lust

Ich hab' keine Lust etwas zu kauen

Denn ich hab' keine Lust es zu verdauen

Hab' keine Lust mich zu wiegen

Hab' keine Lust im Fett zu liegen

Ich hab' kein Lust

Ich h?tte Lust mit gro?en Tiere

Hab' keine Lust es zu riskieren

Hab' keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen

Hab' keine Lust zu erfrieren

Ich bleibe einfach liegen

Und wieder z?hle ich die Fliegen

Lustlos fasse ich mich an

Und merke bald ich bin schon lange kalt

So kalt, mir ist kalt

Mir ist kalt

So kalt, mir ist kalt

So kalt, mir ist kalt

So kalt, mir ist kalt

So kalt, mir ist kalt

Ich hab' keine Lust


Jamiroquai Picture Of My Life lyrics

I never had a dream that I could follow through

Only tears left to stain, dry my eyes once again

I don't know who I am, or what I'm gonna do

Been so long I've been hopelessly confused

This can never really end, it's infinitely sad

Can someone tell me when

Something good became so bad

So if you have a cure

To me would you please send

A picture of my life

With a letter telling how

it should really be instead

The precipice is there

But will I ever dare

Throw myself in the sky, so at last I can die

See I've become a man

Who holds nothing too dear

Who will mind if I just disappear

This can never really end, it's infinitely sad

Can someone tell me when

Something good became so bad

So if you have a cure

To me would you please send

A picture of my life

With a letter telling how

it should really be instead

Oh, tell me how it really should be

Posted (edited)

Tema de Barney - Barney

Barney es un dinosaurio

que vive en nuestra mente

y cuando se hace grande

es realmente sorprendente.

Él le brinda su amistad

a grandes y pequeños

después de la escuela

juegan todos muy contentos.

Barney nos enseña

muchos juegos divertidos

el ABC y el 123

también son sus amigos.

Barney viene a jugar

cuando lo necesitas

él también te ayudará

y crecen fantasías.



Ajua? Viva Saprissa!

Edited by OrgY

La Guitarra

Los Autenticos Decadentes

Tuve un problema de dificil solucion en una

época difícil de mi vida.

Estaba entre la espada y la pared,

y aguantando la opinión de mi familia.

Yo no quería una vida normal,

no me gustaban los horarios de oficina.

Mi espíritu rebelde se reía

del dinero, del lujo y el comfort.

Y tuve una revelación,

ya se que quiero en esta vida.

Voy a seguir mi vocación

será la música mi techo y mi comida.

Porque yo

no quiero trabajar,

no quiero ir a estudiar,

no me quiero casar.

Quiero tocar la guitarra todo el día,

y que la gente se enamore de mi voz.

Porque yo

no quiero trabajar,

no quiero ir a estudiar,

no me quiero casar.

Y en la cabeza tenia

la voz de mi viejo,

que me sonaba como

un rulo de tambor.


mejor que te afeites,

mejor que madures, mejor que labures.

Ya me cansé de que me tomes la cerveza,

te voy a dar con la guitarra en la cabeza.


mejor que te afeites,

mejor que madures, mejor que labures.

Ya me cansé de ser tu fuente de dinero,

voy a ponerte esa guitarra de sombrero.

Y tuve una revelación,

ya se que quiero en esta vida.

Voy a seguir mi vocación

será la música mi techo y mi comida.

Porque yo

no quiero trabajar,

no quiero ir a estudiar,

no me quiero casar.

Quiero tocar la guitarra todo el día,

y que la gente se enamore de mi voz.

Porque yo

no quiero trabajar,

no quiero ir a estudiar,

no me quiero casar.

Y en la cabeza tenia

la voz de mi viejo,

que me sonaba como

un rulo de tambor.


mejor que te afeites,

mejor que madures, mejor que labures.

Ya me cansé de que me tomes la cerveza,

te voy a dar con la guitarra en la cabeza.


mejor que te afeites,

mejor que madures, mejor que labures.

Ya me cansé de ser tu fuente de dinero,

voy a ponerte esa guitarra de sombrero.

Posted (edited)

Symphony Of Destruction


You take a mortal man,

And put him in control

Watch him become a god,

Watch peoples heads a'roll


Just like the Pied Piper

Led rats through the streets

We dance like marionettes,

Swaying to the Symphony...

Of Destruction

Acting like a robot,

Its metal brain corrodes

You try to take its pulse,

Before the head explodes


Acting like a robot,

Its metal brain corrodes

You try to take its pulse,

Before the head explodes


Solo - Marty

The earth starts to rumble

World powers fall

A'warring for the heavens,

A peaceful man stands tall


Just like the Pied Piper

Led rats through the streets

We dance like marionettes,

Swaying to the Symphony...

Of Destruction

Edited by FaustVIII

El moco

Los niños que comen moco

son pocos son pocos.

El moco el moco, ya lo verás.

Si tú quieres ser feliz

mete un dedo a la nariz.

Si quieres ser otro poco

mete el otro y saca un moco.

El moco el moco, ya lo verás.

Lo más bello y elegante

que tiene un elefante.

Es el metro de moco

que lleva ahí adelante.

Pregúntale a tu mamá

si ella alguna vez comió.

Seguro que te dirá:

"Todo moco pasado fue mejor".

El moco el moco, ya lo verás

Si sales con tu novia

alócate poco,

seguro que si la besas

de retache te manda un moco.

El moco el moco, ya lo verás.




Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades,

waking up next to nothing after dreaming of you and me

I'm waking up all alone, waking up so relieved

while you're taking your time with apologies,

I'm making my plans for revenge

Red eyes on orange horizons

If Columbus was wrong I'd drive straight off the edge

I'd drive straight off the edge

Taking your own life with boredom,

I'm taking my own life with wine -

it helps you to rule out the sorrow,

it helps me to empty my mind

Making the most of a bad time

I'm smoking the brains from my head

Leaving the coal calling the kettle black and orange and red

This kettle is seeing red

I've got a big fat #####in' bone to pick with you my darling

In case you haven't heard I'm sick and tired of trying

I wish you would take my radio to bathe with you,

plugged in and ready to fall

Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades,

waking up next to nothing after dreaming of you and me

I'm waking up all alone, waking up so relieved

while you're taking your time with apologies,

I'm planning out my revenge

Red eyes on orange horizons

If Columbus was wrong I'd drive straight off the edge

I'm seeing red

I've got a big fat #####in' bone to pick with you my darling

In case you haven't heard I'm sick and tired of trying

I wish you would take my radio to bathe with you,

plugged in and ready to fall

Plugged in and ready to fall

Plugged in and ready to fall

Plugged in and ready to fall


Que bonita vecindad - El Chavo

Que bonita vecindad, que bonita vecindad,

es la vecindad del Chavo, (eso, eso, eso, eso),

no valdra medio centavo,

pero es linda de verdad.

Mi nombre es el Chavo,

toda mi ropa es un autentico remiento,

a veces no me lavo

y hago maldades pero sin quere queriendo.

Que bonita vecindad, que bonita vecindad,

es la vecindad del Chavo, (eso, eso, eso, eso),

no valdra medio centavo,

pero es linda de verdad.

El ricachon es Quico

que cacheton y feo es el pobre chico,

pero la mas ladina

sin duda alguna es la tremenda Chilindrina.

Que bonita vecindad, que bonita vecindad,

es la vecindad del Chavo, (eso, eso, eso, eso),

no valdra medio centavo,

pero es linda de verdad.

El profesor visita, la vecindad como buscando si habra boda,

y Ron Damon no evita, los golper que dona Florinda le acomoda.

Que bonita vecindad, que bonita vecindad,

es la vecindad del Chavo, (eso, eso, eso, eso),

no valdra medio centavo,

pero es linda de verdad.

La Popis es... muy boba,

la Bruja del 71 con su escoba

y del pilon el Nono, aquel que del Sennor Barriga es el retonno.

Que bonita vecindad, que bonita vecindad,

es la vecindad del Chavo, (eso, eso, eso, eso),

no valdra medio centavo,

pero es linda de verdad.




Posted (edited)

El moco el moco, ya lo verás.

Mae.. que buena.. esa es de Gabino Palomares...!!!

Aqui otra de Gabino..

La Letania de los Poderosos

Gabino Palomares

Tu tienes la culpa tu, tu eres culpable ya me cansaste

te metiste a redentor tu te marcaste, voy a acabarte

Quieres todo para todos y has olvidado mis intereses

y al defender a estos pobres no te has fijado cuanto

me ofendes

Los soldados me defienden

por que su sueldo lo pago yo

la paz debe conservarse

seguire siendo lo que ahora soy

Que haran los pobres obreros sin el trabajo que yo les doy

vayanse a mover la fabrica y no protesten por lo que soy

y aunque es cierto que me quedo con buena parte de tu trabajo

tu has de quedarte callado por que yo mando yo soy el amo

tienes un pueblo tranquilo

de que te quejas obrero pobre

si el salario no te alcanza

todo es muy facil trabaja doble

La polocia esta en mis manos si alguien me canza puedo golpearlo

hasta inventando motivos haciendo cargos encarcelarlo

estudiante a tus estudios que los rectores caros me salen

les pago para que aplasten todos sus gritos de libertades

no quiero mas revoltosos

en esta tierra que es para mi

mi dinero compra leyes, gobernadores

pues es de aqui

Sacerdotes en sus misas prediquen todos por la pobreza

mietras yo siga ganando tendran limosnas de recompenza

la prensa tambien es mia yo la manejo la patrocino

y ouedo con esta fuerza tener al pueblo siempre dormido

viva el amor y la paz

vivan las instituciones

rinare con mi dinero

en este pueblo sin pantalones

Edited by Slackman


Mogueki to hokoriwomotte

Itsumo gol wo motome

Korega warerano chimu

Fútbol no kaibutsu

Chikara to dentou

Kono seidaina saportar

Kyomo ishoni tatakaou

Shouri wo enakereba

Orewa morado saprisista

Sorega oreno hokori

Orewa morado saprisista

Ore no hato no chimu

Kimino muneni kiwadatsu

Guaria no iro

Sutajiamu dewa player ga

Hyaku parsento Costa Rica


Cradle of filth


My Nymphetamine Girl

Wracked with your charm

I am circled like prey

Back in the forest

Where whispers persuade

More sugar trails

More white lady laid

Than pillars of salt...

Fold to my arms

Hold their mesmeric sway

And dance out to the moon

As we did in those golden days

Christening stars

I remember the way

We were needle and spoon

Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb

I'm a prayer for your loneliness

And would you ever soon

Come above unto me?

For once upon a time

From the bind of your Holiness

I could always find the right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision

In my heart, that barless prison

Discolors all with tunnel vision

Sun setter


Sick and weak from my condition

This lust, this vampyric addiction

To Her alone in full submission

None better...


Sun setter



None better?




Nymphetamine Girl



My Nymphetamine Girl??

Posted (edited)

I Love My Computer Bad religion

I love my computer

you make me feel alright

every waking hour

and every lonely night

I love my computer

for all you give to me

predictable errors and no identity

and it's never been quite so easy

I've never been quite so happy

all I need to do is click on you

and we'll be joined

in the most soul-less way

and we'll never

ever ruin each other's day

cause when I'm through I just click

and you just go away

I love my computer

you're always in the mood

I get turned on

when I turn on you

I love my computer

you never ask for more

you can be a princess

or you can be my whore

and it's never been quite so easy

I've never been quite so happy

the world outside is so big

but it's safe in my domain

because to you

I'm just a number

and a clever screen name

all I need to do is click on you

and we'll be together for eternity

and no one is ever gonna take my love

from me because I've got security,

her password and a key

Edited by acm¤

World of Warcraft is a Feeling

You look good in high-res

You've got uber chat skills

Won't you grind quests with me - endlessly

Tanking mobs is my role

I maintain aggro

But the rogue doesn't know, he's not MT (main tank) tonight

World of Warcraft is a feeling

Who needs a social life

I can't wait to log in,

Hop on a griffin

Stockades, gnomer, SM

Won't you join me, on an instance farming run

Let me hit the vendor, free up some bag space

Once I repair, I'll be good to go

World of Warcraft is a feeling

Who needs a social life

Stratholme, Scholo, and UBRS

He just dropped my valor helm

How could I roll a 6?

Grats to my guildmate, but I can't believe this shit

This is the best game

This is the best game I've ever played

This is the greatest game

World of Warcraft you're the greatest game

World of Warcraft you're the greatest game

The best game I've ever played


I can't wait to log on

Hop on griffin

World of Warcraft, a World of Warcraft

A reality.


"The Importance Of Being Idle" - Oasis

I sold my soul for the second time

Cos the man, he don't pay me

I begged my landlord for some more time

He said "Son, the bills waiting"

My best friend called me the other night

He said "Man, are you crazy?"

My girlfriend told me to get a life

She said "boy, you lazy"

But I don't mind

As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine

I'll be fine

If you give me a minute

A mans got a limit

I cant get a life if your hearts' not in it

I don't mind

As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine

I'll be fine

If you give me a minute

A mans got a limit

I cant get a life if my hearts' not in it

I lost my faith in the summertime

Cos it don't stop raining

The sky all day's as black as night

But I'm not complaining

I begged my doctor for one more line

He said "Son, words fail me"

It ain't no place to be killing time

But I guess I'm just lazy

I don't mind

As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine

I'll be fine

If you give me a minute

A mans got a limit

I cant get a life if my hearts' not in it


Posted (edited)

Inflames - Pinball Map

As I aim for that bright white day

Conflict serum is my aura

It seems that life's so fragile

I guess I'll fly some other time

I lack from superhighway thoughts

Won't live as long as the city lights

Soaked by underwater times

Electric splash on a midnight drive

Wish I could rape the day,

just something radical

Lost the sense of sweet things

Who's gonna take me widely?

Guided by the pinball map

The driver, still unknown to me

Who was sent to glorify?

Before we injected this common pride

Sometimes I don't belong

Release me from your world

Pacified by the small things in life

I wait for earthquakes to rearrange

Never been able to use the force

I only have it read to me

Despite all the misguided faith

I'll find a place in this mess

Early morning moments

A glimpse of joy

But soon it's over and I return to dust

As I try to be

Everything and everyone

I shrivel up and waste away

Children of Bodom - Living dead beat


Once again waiting for the darkness, beat up

spun and scarred. Prepare for another war.

Day by day we decay. Sunlight, get out of my way.

Dig up yourself from your grave.

Bad to the bone, raised in the gutter,

Not exactly a mutha#####ing role model.

To you looking down on me.

##### YOU BITCH!

Ain't got time for the future or the past.

Live for the moment, make it last.

As long as the twilight veils

The decadence we embrace

More than the ones we love.

We're ardent, we're burning down...


Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe.

Not afraid of falling down below.

To the night, recklessly we fly.

Like living dead, we'll never die

Stalling the sandman, fighting back

drinking like a madman, run away from the light to come.

SHIT FALLS DOWN! Sun comes up shining bright

Time to close your eyes..


Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe.

Not afraid of falling down below.

To the night, recklessly we fly.

Like living dead, we'll never die

As long as the twilight veils

The decadence we embrace

More than the ones we love.

We're ardent, we're burning down...


Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe.

Not afraid of falling down below.

To the night, recklessly we fly.

Like living dead, we'll never die

Edited by b52|Sephiroth


En la ratonera

ha caído un ratón,

con sus dos pistolas

y su traje de cowboy.

Ha de ser gringuito,

porque siempre habla inglés,

a más de ser güerito

y tener grandes los pies.

El ratón vaquero

sacó sus pistolas,

se inclinó el sombrero

y me dijo a solas:

-What the heck

is this house

for a manly

cowboy mouse?

¡Hello, you

let me out

and don´t catch me

like a trout!

¿Con que sí?

Ya se ve

que no estás a gusto ahí,

y aunque hables inglés

no te dejaré salir.

Tras las fuertes rejas

que resguardan la prisión

mueve las orejas

implorando compasión.

dijo el muy ladino

que se va a reformar,

y aunque me hable e chino

pues ni así lo he de soltar.

El ratón vaquero

tiró dos balazos,

se chupó las balas

y cruzó los brazos.

Posted (edited)

teh noob song

teh pwnerer

Hey noobs, I'm going to like totally like pwn you noobs

Cause I pwn you, like I pwn you like pretty hard and stuff right

I'm going to give you some spanks

Just like you're like Kyle and you suck ass at all the games you try to play

Cause I pwn you, I pwn you like pretty hard and stuff right

(nice) Pwn you.. I pwn you like you're somebody's mom trying to play the games

I pwn you (Is that on? I dont think)

I will pwn you.. sometime.. maybe when we play the game

[Hey Noobs la la la la la la la la la la

I pwn you la la la la la la la la la]

Noobs.. I just like, kind of want to let you know,

That like I totally like pwn, like you.. and ahh,

You know you may think that like maybe one day like maybe I won't like anymore,

But that's wrong..I'm always going to pwn you, cause I'm teh_pwnerer, it's just what I do

[i pwn you la la la la la la la la la la

like you're someone's mom la la la la la la la la la]

I pwn you like pretty hard and stuff right, oh you want some of that?

You're someones mom.. Oh you begging for the mercy now

I'm gonna give you some spanks.. Cause you're total noob and you'll suck ass at every game you try to play

I pwn all.

teh noob Song.mp3

Edited by Shadow

mae orgy lol...ese es su playlist diario?....

Inflames - System

I can not frame, that’s why I lose control.

I aim, I stumble and I fall.

Our adaptation can’t be faithful.

Your world does not attract me.

This is the end you see.

There is no more truth in me.

As if you would deserve it,

you are my enemy!

I can’t ignore the way you make me bleed.

I hate when you throw my thoughts against the wall.

Got to wake up and make a stand.

The desperation forces another mistake.

I count again..

I know who to blame

My life in vain..

Who said I was sane

Follow your instinct

It usually takes you home

Don’t let these words tear you down, down

You see me hanging by the end of the rope

I tell you..

Slow I go And the wait seems to be over.

All I know Is that my life has become such a waste for you.

I blame and run, sadly all too often

I dive into the day without your sympathy

I tend to try but lack the focus

Becoming a distant memory

What once was is quickly forgotten

All wrapped up inside

Delete all resemblance

I feel your relief.

Slow I go And the wait seems to be over.

All I know Is that my life has become such a waste for you.

Follow your instinct

It usually takes you home...

Slow I go And the wait seems to be over.

All I know Is that my life has become such a waste for you.

Posted (edited)
teh noob song - teh pwnerer

Esta cancion es LA SHIT !!! :lol:

Kamelot - Karma :headbang:

I am a king of honor

gold and glory

but every king must also die

have I been just and righteous

what is glory

I know I've torn and taken life

and here I stand

a small and simple man

who will trade his karma for my kingdom

a sacrificial rite to render truth

the fire in my soul rejects my wisdom

cause all you do in life comes back to you

I am a king in crisis

counting minutes

there is an ending to my reign

my sins have come to face me

I can feel it

that I have lived my life in vain

and now I know I'll reap

the seeds I've sown

who will trade his karma for my kingdom

a sacrificial rite to render truth

the fire in my soul rejects my wisdom

cause all you do in life comes back to you

am I mad

I feel so void and cold

who can tell

who holds the stories untold

tired and trembling

I am descending

will I have to stay here

and live this life again.

Edited by [Executor]

spam al descaro ya puse mi liric de spam pero me la quitaron q raro

mejor sigo escribiendo idioteses y poniendo las lirics de la cucaracha o las de julio jaramillo

o clasicos romanticos

o hasta unas de regueton o exitos de la crepta para continuar con este foro tan interesante <_<


Soda Stereo - De música ligera

Ella durmió

Al calor de las masas

Y yo desperté

Queriendo soñarla

Algún tiempo atrás

Pensé en escribirle

Que nunca sorteé

Las trampas del amor

De aquel amor

De música ligera

Nada nos libra

Nada mas queda

No le enviaré

Cenizas de rosas

Ni pienso evitar

Un roce secreto

De aquel amor

de música ligera

Nada nos libra

Nada mas queda

De aquel amor

de música ligera

Nada nos libra

Nada más queda

Nada más queda

Nada más queda

Nada más queda


Stratovarius - The Kiss Of Judas Lyrics

I hear footsteps

closing in

recognizing them

from my early days.

The times are different

the image remains the same,

repeating backflashes

remembering the name.

Approaching visions of things

I can't recall

a familiar smile

awakes the pain.

Unkept promises,

the night awaits,

the act of confidence,

The kiss of Judas

I feel the lips of my cheek,

The kiss of Judas

hunts me once again.

In your private chamber,

you're all alone

the well earned silver pieces

falling to the floor.

The flame of the candle casting

movements to the wall,

your eyes filled with guilt

keep staring at the door.

Approaching visions...

Unkept promises...

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